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  2017年6月             大庆石油地质与开发 June, 2017                     第 36 卷第 3 期 Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Development in Daqing              Vol36 No3 DOI: 103969/ JISSN1000⁃3754201703020 稳定聚驱阶段相渗曲线动态反演方法及其应用 邓景夫  李云鹏  贾晓飞  吴晓慧  刘  斌 (中海石油有限公司天津分公司, 天津  300452) 摘要:针对聚驱阶段相渗曲线计算较为困难的问题, 基于生产动态数据, 结合水驱特征曲线和两相渗流理论, 利 用聚驱阶段的理论含水率—采出程度曲线与实际曲线进行历史拟合, 采用非线性优化计算方法确定出聚驱阶段 的相对渗透率曲线关系式。 计算结果表明: 聚驱时水相相对渗透率曲线较水驱时明显降低, 油相相对渗透率曲 线较水驱有所上升, 同时聚驱的残余油饱和度端点值较水驱有所降低。 该方法需要参数少, 计算方便快捷, 历 史拟合程度高, 更能准确描述油田的油水运动规律。 关 键 词:聚驱相渗; 动态数据; 含水率—采出程度曲线; 历史拟合; 非线性优化 中图分类号: TE35746      文献标识码: A      文章编号: 1000⁃3754 (2017) 03⁃0106⁃04 DYNAMIC INVERTING METHOD FOR THE RELATIVE PERMEABILITY CURVES IN THE STABLE POLYMER FLOODING AND ITS APPLICATION DENGJingfu,LI Yunpeng,JIA Xiaofei,WU Xiaohui,LIU Bin (Tianjin Branch of CNOOC (China)Ltd.,Tianjin 300452,China) Abstract: In the light of the problem of the calculation difficulty of therelativepermeability curvesinthepolymer flooding stage,on the basis of the production dynamic data and integrating with the water driving characteristic curves and two⁃phase flow theory,the theoretical water cut⁃recovery curve (f ⁃R) was fitted to the actualf ⁃R w w curve and moreover with the help of the nonlinear optimization calculating method,the relative permeability curve relationshipswere determined at the polymer flooding stage. The calculation results show that when flooded by the polymer,comparingwiththewaterflooding,thewaterrelativepermeability curveisobviously decreased,whilethe oil relative permeability curve is risen a bit,at the same time,the end⁃poin


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