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狄尔泰生命哲学研究 摘要 狄尔泰不是一个严格的哲学家,其生命哲学也不只是以生命为对象的哲 学。他毕生所追求是认识人的历史社会和文化世界,他认为这是人的生命最真 实的世界,是比自然更接近人的理性的认识领域。为此,狄尔泰建立了独立于 自然科学的精神科学体系,在这个总体目标和框架下,哲学是精神科学中为知 识提供论证的一门经验科学。 本文从狄尔泰思想的全部中心——生命出发,以对生命的理解为主线,从 生命本体、生命认识论和生命解释学三个部分来整合理解狄尔泰的生命哲学。 内容上也实现了对狄尔泰思想的主要学科的内在连接,从心理学和历史两个最 显著的精神科学学科与生命的内在关联性来理解生命。并且在人及其文化创造 的视角内来思考生命哲学对于人的研究的方法论、认识论意义。 这篇论文与其说是狄尔泰生命哲学的体系解读,不如说是对一种认识人的 思路和研究方法的理解,而本文的目的也不止于获得一种关于思考生命及其实 在世界的观点体系,更是其用哲学作为方法来从本体论意义上推导出生命认识 实践的思考方式,及更大范围上的人文社会科学研究的方法论启示,这些是历 久维新的思想遗产。 : 关键词 生命 精神 本体 认识 理解 Study of Dilthey’s Life Philosophy Summary Known as a life philosophier, Dilthey is not a pure philosopher, he made his philosophy an ultimate foundation of knowledge of human’s world, which he take as a knowable realm nearer to ourselves than the natural world. Driven by a strong will of knowing the social-historical reality created by human spirit, He demarcated Geisteswissenschaften and natural sciences and commit himself to the former. His life philosophy, thus, is an empirical science which demonstrate the possibility of Geisteswissenschaften. Following the clue of “knowing ourselves”, this paper try to make a thorough understanding of Dilthey’s life Philosophy, in which ontology, epistemology and hermeneutics together constitute a logical consequence of human’s endeavor to explore themselves. Also be found is the innate continuity between psychology and history, two main methods of Geisteswissenschaften according to Dilthey. Plus, some further thinking from the cultural point of view be made, so as to explore methodologyandepistemologymeaningofpractical philosophy. This paper focus more on Dilthey’s illumination of research ideas than his life philosophy system.He teaches that how a philosophy practically serves to life and their cognitive capacity. Both Human sciences and social sci


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