3稿 动机及运动心理学.ppt

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Learing target Part 1:change people’s exercise behaviour attitude Part 2: Implement strategies to improve client exercise adherence How do you spend your free time? Swimming? Playing football? Dancing? Watching TV? Playing video games? Playing in the park? Do you often take exercise? What is the reason? Barriers to exercise lack of time (没有时间) lack of energy(没有精力) lack of motivation(没有动机) excessive cost(费钱) illness or injury(容易受伤) feeling uncomfortable(不舒服,累) lack of skill(缺少技能) fear of injury(害怕受伤) fear of safety(担心安全) lack of child care(不能照顾孩子) insufficient access(很难学) lack of support (缺少支持) lack of transportation. (交通不便) supports to exercise Healty Make friends Enjoyment Physical(生理上) Control Weight /减重(体重控制,不会增肥) Reduce chronic diseases降低慢性病 Strengthen immune [i?mju:n] system增强免疫功能 Summary Healthy exercise includes: Aerobic Strengthening Chest and stomach (core) Conclusion Exercise is important for an individual to stay healthy wether in Psychological or Physical aspect. Part 2: how to improve client exercise adherence Part 2. Use motivational psychology to improve client exercise adherence Step1: find the client’s real need Step2: find suitable exercise to satisfy client’s need Step3: use Strategies to help people take exercise regularly Maslows Pyramid [?pir?mid] of Needs Heirarchy [?hai?rɑ:ki] of Needs basic needs have to be satisfied before people can become self-actualized 1.Physiological Needs(生理需要):Air, water, food, clothing, housing, medical care, sexual desire(空气、水、吃饭、穿衣、性欲、住宅、医疗 ) 2.Safety Needs(安全需要):Labor safety, occupation safety, stable life, escape from disaster(劳动安全、职业安全、生活稳定、希望免于灾难) 3.Belongingness Love Needs(归属和爱的需要):Family, friends, colleagues, community’scare, understanding and support(家庭、团体、朋友、同事的关怀爱护理解) 4.Esteem Needs(自尊需要):Self respect and respect from others(自我尊重以及他人的尊重) 5. Self-Actualization Need(自我实现的需要):develop their potential ability, to be the desired person. Step2: find suitable exercise to satis


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