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2009 年 10 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.24 No. 10 第 24 卷第 10 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Oct. 2009 三相数字锁相环的原理及性能 1 1 2,3 龚锦霞 解 大 张延迟 (1. 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院 上海 200240 2. 华东理工大学自动化系 上海 200237 3. 上海电机学院电气工程系 上海 200240 ) 摘要 分析了三相锁相环的基本原理、特性及各种输入情况下锁相环的输出性能。通过理论 推导,在三相输入信号存在直流偏移、不对称、谐波等干扰情况下,分析了三相锁相环的检测相 位误差,得出谐波的含量。并通过仿真研究,验证了三相输入信号存在直流偏移、不对称、谐波 等干扰情况下,仿真结果与理论推导一致。并对相位突变和频率突变的情况进行了仿真研究,说 明在相位和频率发生变动时三相锁相环仍能有效地锁定相位,能够满足系统变频的要求。 关键词:三相锁相环 偏移 不对称 谐波 变频 仿真 中图分类号:TM714 Principle and Performance of the Three-Phase Digital Phase-Locked Loop Gong Jinxia1 Xie Da 1 Zhang Yanchi2,3 (1. Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200240 China 2. East China University of Science and Technology Shanghai 200237 China 3. Shanghai Dianji University Shanghai 200240 China ) Abstract This paper analyzes the fundamental principle and performance of three-phase phase-locked loop. and the harmonic component in variable situations. It deducts the error influence on three-phase locked phase when the three-phase input signals are offsetting, unbalanced or with harmonics. The theoretical conclusions are confirmed by detailed simulations under the situations, such as offsetting, unbalance, harmonic, phase-abrupt and frequency-abrupt. The simulation results prove that the three-phase phase-locked loop can work well in disturbance situation and variable frequency system when the frequency of the inputs is variable. Keywords :Three-phase phase-locked loop (PLL), offsetting,


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