第六章 BOT电源项目购电协议_PPA_核心条款解析_1_张森林.pdf

第六章 BOT电源项目购电协议_PPA_核心条款解析_1_张森林.pdf

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第 卷 第 期 电力工程经济 20 4 电 力 技 术 经 济 Vol.20 No. 4 电 力 技 术 经 济 第20 卷 年 月 Electric Power Technologic Economics 2008 8 Aug . 2008 文章编号:1008-1682(2008)04-0030-04 BOT 电源项目购电协议(PPA) 核心条款 解析 (1) 张森林 (中国南方电网公司电力交易中心,广东广州 510623) 摘 要:购电协议(PPA)是BOT 电源项目一揽子协议的核心,是BOT 特许权协议庞杂文件体系的中枢。通过对BOT 电源项目PPA 电价机制设计及调整、购电方购电义务和售电方供电义务、电厂运行维护、商业运营起始日、调试运行期 间电价、外汇相关事项、支付担保等核心条款的解析,以期为我国电力公司海外进行BOT 电源项目投资提供一定的借鉴 和参考。 关键词:BOT;PPA;电价机制设计;运行维护;外汇;支付担保 中图分类号: F830.45 文献标识码: A Analysis on Key Articles of PPA for BOT Power Proj ects (1) ZHANG Sen-lin (China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. Electricity Trade Center , Guangzhou 510623, China ) Abstract : The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is the core of the package documents for a BOT electric power project. This paper analyzes the key issues on PPA articles, such as tariff mechanism design and adjustment, the power purchaser ’s obligations for acceptance and the seller ’s obligations to supply, operation and maintenance, the commencing date of the commercial run, tariffs in the commission period, and issues relating to foreign exchange and payment guarantee, etc. This study is aimed at providing useful reference to the power companies involved in overseas investment in BOT power generation projects. Key words: BOT ;PPA ;tariff mechanism design ;operation maintenance; foreign exchange; payment guarantee 0 引言 售电方BOT项目公司和代表东道国政府的电网公司 之间的权利义务关系和风险分配,对投资方和东道


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