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New College English Book One Passage A Public Attitude Toward Science --Stephen Hawking Unit3 Understanding Science Procedure 1.Lead-in:Brainstorming;Dictation 2.Warm-up Activities 3.Culture Notes 4.Text Understanding 5.Text Structure 6.Language Points 7.Difficult Sentences 8.Summary 9.Follow-up Activity 10.Assignment 1.lead-in: Brainstorming ; Dictation Dictation The following paragraph is about the brain and the language learning. When you’re listening, you’re required to fill in the gaps with the words you hear. Dictation Scientists hope that if we can how the works, we will be able to put it to a use. For example, how do we learn language? Man most from all the other in his to learn and use language, but we still do not know how this is done. Scientist are trying to find out there is something about the way we teach language to children which in fact children from learning . 2. Warm-up Activities TeachingOutline Pre-reading Culture notes Stephen Hawking Warming-up activities Brainstorming-generating ideas Culture Notes Stephen Hawking(1942-) A British scientist who has greatly influenced peoples ideas on the origins of the universe. He has devoted much of his life to searching for the space-time. His greatest achievement A popular book: A Brief History of Time 时间简史 black hole 黑洞 Singularity Warm-up Activities --In what ways do these discoveries change our lives for the better? ---In what ways do these discoveries change our lives for the worse? Car’s influence Internet influence Search for information Communicate with friends who are here. Study English Playing net games Buy something Unhealthy information More and more kids addict to the network game Cheated Summary The same scientific and technological discovery can bring


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