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结论 1. 消费不能刺激经济增长,从短期看,是产量增加,而不是经济增长。从长期看,消费是具有稳态性的,刺激消费是徒劳无益的。 2. 投资是经济增长的源泉。但过度投资,消费不旺,会出现生产过剩的危机,拟制经济增长。 3. 中国目前尚不存在生产过剩的危机。 4. 中国最终消费率被低估了。 5. 中国经济时接近于充分就业,不要过分使用短期的稳定政策,而要重视长期促进经济增长的政策。 实施创新驱动发展战略 在长期来看,科学进步在经济增长过程中扮演着极其重要的角色。我们欣喜的看到,中共中央采取了科技驱动发展战略。 实施创新驱动发展战略。科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力的战略支撑,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置。要坚持走中国特色自主创新道路,以全球视野谋划和推动创新,提高原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新能力,更加注重协同创新。 经济增长政策 提高劳动者素质(人力资本) 减税政策以提高劳动者劳动积极性。 劳动力从低效率部门转向高效率部门(新型城镇化) 加快科技创新(产品创新、技术创新、市场创新、资源配置创新、组织创新,)。 发达国家属于技术前沿(technological frontier)现阶段中国采取技术赶超型(technological catch-up ) THANK YOU 2012年,消费品市场持续较快增长,消费成为拉动经济增长的第一动力。最终消费对经济增长贡献率为51.8%,近6年来首次超过投资,成为拉动经济增长的第一动力。 一直以来,投资、出口和消费都是拉动中国经济增长的“三驾马车”,从三季度数据来看,在出口、投资增速继续放缓的同时,消费对GDP的贡献率却在提升,成为拉动经济增长的一大亮点。 * * * * * Interactions of sources of growth. Most students can see immediately how investment in physical and human capital in the form of education and training contribute to growth. Some have more difficulty getting a clear view of the role of learning by doing and technical change, particularly the small continuous refinement and improvement to existing technology rather than the spectacular breakthroughs. Much growth probably comes from the interaction of the last two, and this source of growth can be illustrated with a discussion of why firms offer incentives to workers to suggest improvements to working methods and procedures. * * * * * * * * * Putting the AS-AD model to work. Don’t neglect the predictions of the model. This is the payoff for the student. With this simple model, we can now say quite a lot about growth, inflation, and the cycle. The price level doesn’t fall, and real GDP rarely falls. The AS-AD model predicts a fall in the price level when either aggregate demand decreases or aggregate supply increases. And the model predicts that real GDP decreases when either aggregate supply or aggregate demand decreases. Students are sometimes bothered by this apparent mismatch between the predictions of the model and the observed economy. The best way to


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