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20. experiment v. 实验; 试验 experiment on/ upon sb./sth. experiment with sth. e.g. 在动物身上做实验这对吗? Is it right to experiment on animals? 他们试验这些新材料。 They experimented with the new materials. n. [C,U] 试验,实验 perform/ carry out/ conduct an experiment 做实验 experimental adj 试验的,实验性的 e.g. experimental farm 实验农场 experimental theatre实验剧场 The technique is still at the experimental stage. 这项技术仍处于实验阶段。 21. for sure without doubt 无疑 e.g. I think he lives there, but I couldn’t say for sure. 我想他是住在那里的, 但我不敢肯定。 sure 确信……;有把握…… be sure of/about sth be sure + that Clause be sure + W/ H Clause e.g. We are sure of his innocence. 我们确信他是无辜的。 She was sure that she had done the right thing. 她确信自己做得对. Henry wasnt sure how to answer such a difficult question. 亨利不确定该如何回答这个深奥的问题 be sure to do sth 一定做某事;务必做某事 e.g.你那样做一定失败. Youre sure to fail if you do it that way. 务必来信把你的所有情况都告诉我。 Be sure to write and tell me all your news. make sure of sth make sure + that Clause 把某事物弄清楚;设法确保…… e.g. Will you make sure of his return? ? Will you make sure (that) he returned? 请你查明他是真的回来了吗? We have made sure of our seats for the movie. 我们已经订好了电影院的座位。 Make sure (that) you will pick me up at the school gate at 5 o’clock. 五点钟时你一定要到校门口接我。 Unit Five Reading Language Points 1. virtual adj. of sth not real but made to appear real by the use of computer software 虚拟的 virtual space 虚拟空间 2)being or acting as what is described 事实上的, 实质上的 A virtual state of war exists between the two countries. 这两国间实际上处于战争状态。 2. reality n. a thing that is actually experienced or seen 现实 逃避现实 面对现实 使某人面对现实 bring sb back to reality in reality 事实上,实际上 escape from reality face reality 3. thanks to 由于,多亏+名词 = ____________= _____________ = ____________= _____________


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