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单词拼写 We hope the _____________ (友谊)between our countries will last long. Yesterday he _____________(认识到)that he made a lot of mistakes at last. We should not be __________(害怕)of any outside challenges. He was very ___________(感动的)by what his father did. If you are more careful , you will not make ____________(错误). I really don’t know how to __________(处理)with the problem. Listening and __________(说)are a little more difficult for Chinese English learners. I can’t catch you because you speak too ______________(快). Her parents always ___________(把……视为)her as the cleverest of their children. 10. She’s very good at making friends and_____________(介绍)people. 11. Please speak ____________(大声)I can’t hear clearly. 12. He is so ____________(激动)that he can’t say anything. 13. The sun will come out ___________(稍后)on. 14. If you don’t know you can take ___________(笔记). 15. We should help others when people are in _____________(困难). 16. You can ___________(查字典)up the word in a dictionary. 17. He runs __________(慢)every day . 18. Don’t __________(嘲笑)at old people. 19. I used to eat _________(糖果)all the time. But now I like chewing gum a lot . 20. The disease causes thousands of ___________(死亡).a year. 21. You __________(浪费)a lot of water by having a bath instead of a shower last night. 22. Guy was going to buy a bookcase, but in the end he made one _____________(他自己). 23. You need to be ____________(有耐心的)with children. 24. I can’t __________(担负的起)to buy a house. 25. She has had to make some very difficult_____________(决定). 26. Is it ____________(必须的)for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon ? 27. If you don’t pay __________(注意) now, you’ll get it all wrong later. 28. My little brother used to spend much time __________(看)TV. 29. You should be ___________(友好)to the old people. 30. I’m more ___________(感兴趣)in English than Chinese. 31. I used to be really ____________(安静). 32. I go to __________(入睡)with my bedroom light on. 33. Don’t ___________(担心)about the test. I


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