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九年级新目标英语(Go for it!) Unit 1 how do you study for a test? Reading How do we deal with our problems? 阅读教案设计 本节课是阅读课,教师教学设计以指导学生运用阅读策略和技巧解读课文为主,用意在于让学生欣赏阅读文意,在学习中受益。为了激发学生的阅读兴趣,介绍出示课件,请求学生欣赏史蒂芬·霍金不平凡的人生经历。让学生通过听、说、看的形式,感知目标语言句的运用,同时呈现霍金相关图片资料的部分去学记生词和短语。 为了更好的提高学生的阅读理解能力,让学生理解课文,尤其关键环节;通过阅读活动设计由略读、细读、猜测和简要复述形式,解决阅读部分障碍。在阅读活动读前通过观看图片,熟悉课文主题;读后活动由思考性问题和合作交流两部分组成,旨在培养学生的综合语言运用能力,同时使学生树立中考意识解决自身健康懒惰的思想。从而正确认识自己,努力学习,实现自己的中考目标。 One.Language Goal 1. Talk about how to study . 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. Two.Language Structures 1. Verb + by with gerund( by+动名词短语 表示“通过…途径,方法”) 2. How questions Three.Target Language 1. How do you study for tests ? Well , I study by working with my classmates. 2. Have you ever studied with a group ? Yes , I have . I’ve learned a lot that way . 3. I don’t have a partner to practice English with . Maybe you should join an English club. 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ? Why don’t you join an English language club ? Four.Teaching?Aims?and?Demands Language goals: To get the students to master the following words and expressions: ???regard, go by, influence, friendship, disagreement, development, adult, unimportant, deal with, break off?etc. ?? Ability goals: To train the students’ following abilities: skimming, scanning, careful reading and guessing ability. ???Moral goals: To get the students to know that problems exist in our life, we should hold the correct attitude towards them and try to solve them in different ways. 1 Knowledge?Objects ? (1)?Key?words?and?phrases? (2)?Comprehension?of?the?text? 2. Ability?Objects ?Cultivate?students’ ability in listening saying reading writing?.? 3.?Moral?Objects ?Let’s?not?be?afraid?of?the?problems?in?our?lives?and?we?should?have?a?positive?attitude?to?deal?with?them.? Five.Teaching?Key?Points?and?Teaching?Difficult?Points:? 1.Key?Vocabulary?and?phrases 2.?Understanding??the?text? Six.Teaching?method:? Guide d



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