Dynamic topic models-英文文献.pdf

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Dynamic topic models-英文文献

TOPIC MODELS DAVID M. BLEI PRINCETON UNIVERSITY JOHN D. LAFFERTY CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY 1. INTRODUCTION Scientists need new tools to explore and browse large collections of schol- arly literature. Thanks to organizations such as JSTOR, which scan and index the original bound archives of many journals, modern scientists can search digital libraries spanning hundreds of years. A scientist, suddenly faced with access to millions of articles in her field, is not satisfied with simple search. Effectively using such collections requires interacting with them in a more structured way: finding articles similar to those of interest, and exploring the collection through the underlying topics that run through it. The central problem is that this structure—the index of ideas contained in the articles and which other articles are about the same kinds of ideas—is not readily available in most modern collections, and the size and growth rate of these collections preclude us from building it by hand. To develop the necessary tools for exploring and browsing modern digital libraries, we require automated methods of organizing, managing, and delivering their contents. In this chapter, we describe topic models, probabilistic models for uncov- ering the underlying semantic structure of a document collection based on a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of the original texts Blei et al. (2003); Grif- fiths and Steyvers (2004); Buntine and Jakulin (2004); Hofmann (1999); Deerwester et al. (1990). Topic models have been applied to many kinds of documents, including email ?, scientific abstracts Griffiths and Steyvers (2004); Blei et al. (2003), and newspaper archives Wei and Croft (2006). By discovering patterns of word use and connecting documents that e


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