Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels-英文文献.pdf

Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels-英文文献.pdf

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Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels-英文文献

Capacity of Multi-antenna Gaussian Channels _  I. Emre Telatar Abstract We investigate the use of multiple transmitting and/or receiving antennas for single user communications over the additive Gaussian channel with and without fading. We derive formulas for the capacities and error exp onents of such channels, and describ e computational pro cedures to evaluate such for- mulas. We show that the p otential gains of such multi-antenna systems over single-antenna systems is rather large under indep endence assumptions for the fades and noises at di erent receiving antennas. 1 Introduction We will consider a single user Gaussian channel with multiple transmitting and/or receiving antennas. We will denote the numb er of transmitting antennas by t and the numb er of receiving antennas by r. We will exclusively deal with a linear mo del in which the received vector y 2 C r dep ends on the transmitted vector x 2 C t via y = Hx + n (1) where H is a r  t complex matrix and n is zero-mean complex Gaussian noise with indep endent, equal variance real and imaginary parts. We assume E [nn y ] = I , that r is, the noises corrupting the di erent receivers are indep endent. The transmitter is constrained in its total p ower to P, E [xy x]  P: Equivalently, since xy x = tr(xxy ), and exp ectation and trace commute, tr(E [xxy ])  P:


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