Dynamic Fine-grained Localization in Ad-Hoc Networks of Sensors-英文文献.pdf

Dynamic Fine-grained Localization in Ad-Hoc Networks of Sensors-英文文献.pdf

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Dynamic Fine-grained Localization in Ad-Hoc Networks of Sensors-英文文献

Dynamic Fine-Grained Localization in Ad-Hoc Networks of Sensors Andreas Savvides, Chih-Chieh Han and Mani B. Srivastava Networked and Embedded Systems Lab Department of Electrical Engineering University of Calfornia, Los Angeles fasavvide, simonhan, mbs g@ ABSTRACT medical applications and smart battle elds. Networked sen- The recent advances in radio and emb edded system tech- sors can signal a machine malfunction to the control center nologies have enabled the proliferation of wireless micro- in a factory, or alternatively warn ab out smoke on a remote sensor networks. Such wirelessly connected sensors are re- forest hill indicating that a dangerous re is ab out to start. leased in many diverse environments to p erform various mon- Other wireless sensor no des can b e designed to detect the itoring tasks. In many such tasks, lo cation awareness is in- ground vibrations generated by the silent fo otsteps of a cat herently one of the most essential system parameters. It burglar and trigger an alarm. is not only needed to rep ort the origins of events, but also to assist group querying of sensors, routing, and to answer Naturally, the question that immediately follows the actual questions on the network coverage. In this pap er we present detection of events, is: where? Where are the abnormal vi- a novel approach to the lo calization of sensors in an ad- brations detected, where is the re, which house is ab out to ho c network. We describ e a system called AHLoS (Ad-Ho c b e robb ed? To answer this question, a sensor no de needs Lo calization System) that enables sen


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