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* P5(Section B from 1a to 2c) Unit 1 Will people have robots? Step 1:Revision 用be动词的适当形式天空 1.Three years ago, he ____ a student. 2.Today he ____ a teacher. 3.In five years,he _____ _______a computer programmer. 用动词have的适当形式填空 1.A moment ago, I ____ some bread. 2.At the moment I ___ an English class. 3.In 40 minutes I _____ _______ a rest. Aim: 这三种时态的综合运用是一个难点,在第二课时进行了详细的学习,进行了大量的 口头练习,在这里做一个书面的落实,反馈学生上节课的学习情况,同时为本单元2a,2b,2c的学习打下坚实的基础。 Step 2 presentation(1a—1b) What does he do? What did he do? What will you be? 2 years ago an astronaut How did you go to…? How does she go to …? How will they go to …? she they in 3 years I 3 years ago today Where do you live? Where did you live? Where will you live? an apartment space station 10 years ago today in 100 years Aim:把1a 和 1b 两部分整合起来,先回顾以前学过的职业,交通方式和居住的地方,来引出新的职业,交通方式和居住的新词汇。同时在运用图片学习新词汇的过程中,融入三种时态用法的练习。 Step3:listening (2a—2b) Aims:训练学生从整体上把握文章大意的能力,加上图片中有丰富的细节,使学生的思维活跃。为下一个任务的设置做了铺垫。 Listen and match with the right picture . Where does Joe live? Where did Joe live ten years ago? Where will Joe live? What does Joe do? What will Joe be? Aim:降低听力的难度,提 高英语课堂的魅力。保持学生学习英语的热情。 listen and make choices. 1.I _____in an apartment. A.’ll live 2.I ____near here. B.am 3.I _____a computer programmer. C.’ll fly 4.We ___in a house. D.took 5.I ___the train to school. E.work 6.I ___an astronaut. F.’ll be 7.I ___rockets to the moon. G.lived 8.I _____ on a space station. H.live Aims:把所听的落实到笔头,同时对三种时态的动词形式进行了进一步的训练。 live in 20 years now 7 years ago Places to live Transportation Jobs __________ My partner Jim Step 4: (2c) make an interview This sentence patterns may be used: *What do you do? What did you do 7 years ago? What will you do 20 years ago? *How do you go to school ? How did you go to school 7 years ago? How will y


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