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Unit 6 重点 1.从六岁起搜集贝壳 Have been collecting shells since six 2.用尽额外的硬币 run out of the extra coins 3.山顶学校的轮滑马拉松赛 Hilltop School Skating Marathon 4.现在已经进行了30分钟 have been going for 30 minutes now 5.已经轮滑了五小时 have been skating for5 hours 6.距离省会很远 far away from the capital 7.为慈善机构筹募钱 raise money for charity 8. 附带说说by the way 9.一小时前刚开始just started an hour ago 10. 浏览课文来寻找细节 scan the text to find details 11.尤其喜欢带企鹅的雪球 particularly love snow globes with penguins 12. 对明代感兴趣 be interested in Ming Dynasty 13. 最普遍的爱好the most common hobby 14. 受到唐皇帝的欢迎 be welcomed by the Tang Emperor 15. 我得到的第一个… the first one I ever got 16.一个犹太族的家庭 a Jewish family 17.创办一个雪球收集者俱乐部 start a snow globe collectors’ club 18. 用尽卧室的空间来储藏它们 run out of room in the bedroom to store them 19.一些欧洲影响 some European influence 20. 越…越… the more…, the more…(比较级+比较级) 二 .完成下列句子:(每空1 PTS,共30 PTS) 1. Claudia 从5岁时起就收集风筝。 Claudia has been collecting kites since she was 5. 2. 几位轮滑手仍在轮滑。 Several skaters are still skating. 3.一些老建筑是俄罗斯风格的。 Some of the old buildings are in Russian Style. 4. 这个城市受到一些欧洲影响。 There is some European influence in this city. 5. 对于一个外国人,你对中国文化了解的越多,你就更爱待在中国。 For a foreigner, the more you learn about Chinese culture, the more you enjoy living in China. 6. 非常感谢你把这些精美的邮票送给我。 Thanks a lot for giving me the beautiful stamps. 7.如果你学习努力,你将能够理解任何历史。 If you study hard, you’ll be able to understand any history. 8. 我买不起这本字典了,因为我用完了钱。 I can’t afford to buy the dictionary, because I have run out of my money. 9. 她去过北京两次。 She has been to Beijing twice. Dear Jack, Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the _______I love it. In fact I think it’s _________my favorite. I’ve been collecting them for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve _____out of room to _____them. They’re all ______our apartment. I even store them in __



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