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* 辨体: 许学夷论汉魏六朝诗歌流变 陈 斌 ( , 350007) 福建师范大学 文学院 福建 福州 : , 《 》 。 摘 要 晚明诗论家许学夷 以精于辨体著称 其 诗 源辩体 通论先秦 至 晚唐诗之演变 所论汉魏六朝诗部 , “ ”、 “ ” , 分 力求调和七子派宗汉魏黜六朝与六朝派嗜好 偏奇 公安竟陵 诡诞相 尚 之 间的理论对峙 通过对诗歌 、 , , “ ” 体制 中俳偶 声韵等 因素的详尽考察 把握汉魏六朝诗歌的流变轨迹 并对此前 诗溺 于 陶 的辨体命题予 以 , 。 修正 为该段诗史研究确立 了系统的辨体认知方式 关键词: 许学夷; 辨体; 汉魏六朝诗史; 正变 中图分类号: I207 . 22 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 - 7991( 2011) 04 - 0006 - 05 Form-distinguishing: Xu Xueyi ’s Discussion on the Evolution of Poetry in Han ,Wei and Six Dynasties Chen Bin ( College of Chinese Language and Literature ,Fujian Normal University ,Fuzhou Fujian 350007 ,China) Abstract: Xu Xueyi ,a critic of poetry ,is skilled in distinguishing poetic forms in different dynasties. His work Ci Yuan Bian Ti mainly discusses the evolution of poetry from before Qin dynasty to Tang dynasty. In commenting on poems of Han ,Wei and Six Dynasties ,he tries to balance contrary views from different schools of poetry ,and also reevaluates Tao Yuanming ’s position in the history of literature. Through investigating into the formal changes of antithetical par- allelism and sound in different dynasties ,he precisely describes the evolutionary trend of poetry in Han ,Wei and Six Dynasties. This academic achievement in poetry embodies his work ’s theoretical values. Keywords: Xu Xueyi; form-distinguishing; history of poetry in Han ,Wei and Six dynasties; tradition and changes ( 1563 ~ 1633) , , (


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