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【政治】上班长征路 2015-09-17 经济学人双语 IT WAS a deliciously French moment of exasperation. On June 16th a railway strike promptedpublic rage when it threatened to disrupt a national philosophy exam. On the sixth day of arolling strike, unions at the SNCF national railway encroached on the first day of thebaccalauréat school-leaving exam, a ritual that begins with a four-hour philosophy essay. Asstrikers downed tools and commuters battled to work, some 340,000 French teenagers werewrestling with the question “Do we live in order to be happy?” 这是一个有趣的法国愤怒时刻。6月16号,当一次铁路罢工影响到了全国性的哲学考试时,它触犯了众怒。在连续罢工的第六天,法国国营铁路公司(SNCF)工会在中学毕业会考的首日开始了作乱,这一考试始于四小时的哲学论文。当罢工者停止工作,乘客奋力奔向公司时,约340,000名法国少年正在纠结:“我们活着是为了开心吗?” If Fran?ois Hollande had been sitting the exam, he would surely have answered: “Fat chance aslong as there are rail unions around.” A strike originally expected to be short-lived wasextended on June 18th into its ninth day, the worst industrial action since he became presidentin 2012. On some days, more than half of TGV fast trains have been cancelled, as well as two-thirds of certain commuter trains in the Paris region. The SNCF management called it theworst strike for 13 years. 如果弗朗索瓦·奥朗德参加了那场考试的话,他绝对会答道:“只要有铁路公会存在,那就希望渺茫。”这一场原被认为会短命的罢工竟持续到了6月18号,已进行了九天,这是自奥朗德2012年当上总统以来发生的最严重的劳工行动。在某些日子里,超过一半的法国高速列车和约三分之二的巴黎通勤列车被取消了。法国国营铁路公司管理部门称之为13年来最严重的罢工。 The two unions behind it, the CGT, which is close to the Communist Party, and the evenharder-talking SUD, are protesting against plans to merge two rail companies: the SNCF, whichruns the trains, and RFF, the highly indebted firm that manages the tracks. After months ofdiscussion, this reform went before parliament on June 17th. Nothing in the bill changes thespecial status of railway workers. But the unions suspect it will lead to changes in workingpractices and perks once the railways are opened up to competition in 2019. 幕后的两个工会,亲共党的法国总工会(CGT)和更难协商的法国干部总工会(SUD)正在抗议合并两家铁路公司的计划,这两家公司分别是运营列车的法国国营铁路公司(SNCF)和管理铁路、负债累累的法国铁路网公司(RFF)。经过数月的磋商后,这次改革于6月


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