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2011~2015年河南中考考情一览表 考情解读:阅读理解题是中考必考的重点题型之一,共40分,20个小题。体裁主要是记叙文、说明文、议论文和应用文。前三篇是选择型阅读,第四篇是任务型阅读,设题形式包括细节理解题、推理判断题、词义猜测题、主旨大意题、标题概括题、数字计算题和句子还原题。其中细节理解题、推理判断题、词义猜测题、标题概括题和句子还原题是近5年的必考考点。预计2016年阅读理解题的题型和体裁变化不大,选材上会更加注重时代性,更具生活气息。 2.方法指导 阅读理解题的解题步骤: 1. 先读题。首先浏览题目,带着问题去阅读文章。 2. 通读全文,掌握文章大意。学生应该掌握整篇文章的主旨 3. 再读文章,检查答案。在时间充足的情况下,逐一检查答 细节理解题——利用题目的关键词,找到文中相对应的 词、短语或句子,根据文中确定的细节和事实排除干扰 项,找出正确答案。 解题原则:忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断。文章中心是论点,事实细节是论据或主要理由;有关细节的问题常对文中某个词语、某句子、某段落等细节及事实进行提问,所提问题一般可直接或间接在文章中找到答案。提问的特殊疑问词常有:what, who, which, where, how, why 等 在阅读理解中,要求查找主要事实和特定细节问题常有以下几种命题方式 1)Which of the following statement is true? 2)Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? 3)According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT… 4)According to the passage, when ( where, why, how, who, what, which, etc.)___? “Mary, your bedroom is a mess(脏乱). Come and clean it up right now.” her mum said. Mary wanted to go outside and play. “I’ll clean it up later, Mum.” “Oh no , you won’t. I’ve been asking you for days,” her mum said . Mary went into her bedroom. She put away all of her clothes and put all the rubbish into a plastic bag .Mum, I’m going outside to Play now .” She ran into the back garden .this was her favorite place to be .A small butterfly flew over and landed on Mary’s hand .”You’re a pretty little butterfly ,”May said ,”Does your mum make you keep your bedroom clean?” “What if I left my rubbish all didn’t keep the garden clean and tidy ?Would you have a nice Place to sit among the flowers ?”said the butterfly . “I’d not be happy if I came out to see rubbish here and there ,”Mary said . “Everybody has to do their part and keep their rooms or their flower gardens clean ,”the butterfly said and then flew away . Mary hurried into the house and said to her mother ,”I’ll keep my room clean from now on ,Mum .I’ve got to do my part .”And she did just that . Which is the correct order for the following to take place in the story ? (细节


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