2016九年级英语全册 月月清5 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth单元综合测试卷课件.ppt

2016九年级英语全册 月月清5 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth单元综合测试卷课件.ppt

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2016九年级英语全册 月月清5 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth单元综合测试卷课件

B The sky is grey. Its another day of smog(雾霾). Is there a dome(穹顶) to protect us from the dirty air outside? Yes, there is!An international school in Beijing has built a big dome outside of its four tennis courts. It cleans the polluted air and makes it healthy for students inside. Smog has become a serious environmental and health problem in China. People are trying to stay away from it. However, the dome used by the school is expensive. Its impossible for everyone to have such a place. But the good news is that the government has begun the fight against pollution. In a government work report, Premier Li Keqiang said it was a war. The government will start by reducing PM10 and PM2.5 emissions(排放). PM is short for particulate matter(颗粒物). PM10 and PM2.5 are an important cause of smog, which mainly come from human activities. To fight against pollution, China will cut the use of coal and make better use of energy. Also, old cars give off more waste gas than new cars. So China plans to remove 6 million old cars from the roads, though much more money is needed. A clear sky is not a faraway dream. ( )51.Because of the smog, an international school in Beijing . A.has warned its students to stay inside as much as possible B.has built a dome over the whole school C.has built a dome to keep part of the school away from smog D.has tried to make better use of energy C ( )52.Not everyone can be protected by a dome because . A.there isnt enough space B.building a dome costs too much C.it is difficult to build a dome D.living in a dome makes people unhealthy B ( )53.The underlined word “reducing” is likely to mean “ ” A.cutting down B.making better use of C.saving up D.producing more ( )54.According to the report, is a war. A.building more domes B.removing old cars C.living a healthy and wealthy life D.fighting against pollution A D ( )55.We can infer from the passage that . A.the problem of smog will be solved in the future


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