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专项复习-形容词和副词 第一讲:形容词和副词的用法及辨析 Mr. Shen looked very handsome on that day. He is humorous and knowledgeable. He gave us much helpful advice in high spirits. He successfully gave us a wonderful speech, which made us excited and confident. We were deeply moved by what he said. After that, we promised to be brave enough to face any difficulty ahead of us quite loudly, clearly and confidently. 形容词和副词的用法: 1.…Nobody had ever sung the song so ______. A. beautiful B. beautifully 2 .Excuse me , can you help me carry the ____ box? A. heavy B. heavily B A 形容词转化成副词: 1. serious wise polite beautiful happy busy angry heavy true… 4. possible gentle terrible … 小贴士: 1.以“ful” ,“less”等结尾的词多为形容词. 2. 以“ly”结尾的词多为副词. 在后面直接加ly 去e加y 去e加ly 变y为i加ly friendly lovely lively lonely ugly brotherly… 1. The Chinese parents always teach their children to be ___ to others. A. carefully B. friendly C. lonely D. well 2.The girl looks as _____ as a film star. A. beautifully B. lovely C. carefully D. wisely 形容词难点之一:以ly结尾的形容词: B B Would you like to do something meaningful with me this Sunday? 2. What else will we do besides cleaning the park? 3. Are you brave enough to overcome any difficulty ahead of you? 4.Mr. Shen is a teacher easy to get along with. 形容词难点之二:形容词作后置定语 汉译英:康康是一个非常值得信任的朋友。 Kangkang is a friend well worth trusting. Some students felt _____ when they heard Mr. Shen’s ____ speech. They promised to keep trying from then on. A. moved, excited B. moving, exciting C.moved, exciting D. moving, excited 形容词难点之三:以 ing与ed结尾的形容词的区别 disappointing exciting satisfying moving… disappointed excited satisfied moved … 形容词难点之四: a ________ price a/an__________________car A: Great ! The price of the houses is getting _____ than before. B: But we can’t still afford it. A. too much B. much lower C. more expensive D. even low B high/low


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