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全国政协提案管理系统 报表 摘要:根据全国政协提案管理系统需求调研结果,结合当前技术发展,提出了全国政协体统的整体设计需求,基于B/S模式,使用Struts2,Spring等技术实现整个系统。 根据系统的功能模块设计,设计并实现了全国政协提案管理系统之报表,包括打印提案和目录、提案人、卷内目录、承办单位及办理。提案目录模块主要提供提案原件、提案交办件、提案目录等文档打印功能,为提案存档提供重要纸质依据;提案人模块通过工作人员选择的提案人姓名与打印功能选项,以文档的形式生成提案人信息及其与之相关的提案信息;卷内目录模块提供按提案类别打印该类别下的所有提案信息,供提案存档;承办单位及办理模块主要实现根据承办单位或者承办单位所在的系统查询相关的提案信息,根据不同的功能选择生成各种提案文档,供提案委和承办单位文档存档。 系统经过详细的测试,已经在全国政协会议中运行使用,并得到好评。 关键:B/S;报表;提案管理系统Struts2;Spring The Management System of CPPCC Proposal Report Abstract:Management system under the CPPCC proposal needs of research results, with the current technological development, the CPPCC National Committee put forward the overall design of decency demand, based on B / S mode, using Struts2, Spring and other technologies to achieve the whole system. Function modules according to the system design, design and implementation of the CPPCC proposal management system reports, including proposals and catalog printing, sponsors, content, contractors and processing units. Proposal to provide the directory module of the original proposal, the proposal assigned pieces, proposals and other documents catalog printing, paper for the proposal provides an important basis for the archive; sponsors module sponsored by the name selected by the staff and printing options to generate the document in the form of information and its associated sponsored the proposal information; content module provides classes by the proposal to print all the proposals under this category information for the proposal filed; Undertaker and processing module mainly realizes the unit or under the contractor system of inquiry where the Undertaker proposals related to information generated under a variety of different feature selection proposal document for the proposal committee and organizer document archive. After detailed testing system has been running in the use of the CPPCC National Committee meeting, and be praised. Key words: B/S; Report; CPPCC;Struts2;Spring 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1


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