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光伏LED控制电路系统设计 摘要:为充分利用太阳能,并实现路灯照明系统智能化,高效的控制电路是关键。本文旨在对太阳能电池关于负载、最大功率点相关特性、LED发光特性的研究,并在此基础之上设计出以CD4011和AT89S52为核心的控制电路,实现对蓄电池过充与过放保护,同时显示蓄电池的状态。该控制电路作用是使白天太阳能电池给蓄电池充电和通过声光控制蓄电池放电,使太阳能电池产生的能量得到最大程度的利用。实验结果表明该光伏LED充放电控制系统性能稳定、实时性高、节能、智能,在太阳能路灯上具有良好的应用前景。 关键字:太阳能电池,最大功率点,CD4011和AT89S52,蓄电池过充与过放保护,光伏LED充放电控制系统,太阳能路灯 Abstract: In the aim of the optimum use of the Solar energy and achieving intelligent control of streetlight, control circuit is the key of the efficient utilization.The purpose of this paper is to about load, maximum power point of solar cells related and LED light-emitting characteristics of research, and the overcharge and over discharge protection circuit of the battery was realized on the basis of the control circuit with CD4011 and AT89S52 MCU as the control core.The main function of control circuit is daytime the solar cell to battery charging and by sound and light control battery discharge,making maximum use of solar energy.The experimental results showed that the solar power charging and discharging control system is stable,high real-time performance,energy-saving,intelligent,and the control system should have a good application prospect in Solar street lamps . Key words: solar cells; maximum power point; CD4011 and AT89S52; battery overcharge and over discharge protection ;solar power control system; solar power street lamp. 1绪论 自地球形成以来,生物就主要以太阳提供的热和光生存,而自古人类也懂得阳光随着近几年国家对能源结构的不断调整, 能源需求不断加大,太阳能作为一种可再生能源,其环保、无污染、分布广泛的特点越来越受到人们的关注。其中以太阳能路灯应用为代表的道路照明工程越来越多的看好尤其是景观亮化方向发展。世界光伏产业发展迅速,LED技术的越来越成熟,也带来光伏LED路灯的突破性的发展。 图1 太阳能电池伏安特性测量原理图 2.2测试结果及分析 经过实际测试太阳能电池伏安特性,得到如下数值: 负载电阻(Ω) 电压(V) 电流(A) 功率(W) 0 0 3.78 0 1 3.91 3.92 15.33 2 7.59 3.80 28.84 3 11.34 3.78 42.87 4 13.81 3.46 47.78 5 14.75 2.96 43.66 6 15.91 2.46 39.14 7 16.13 2.27 36.62 8 16.73 2.09 34.97 9 17.25 1.96 33.81 10 17.44 1.73 30.17 11 17.61 1.63 28.70 12 17.64 1.44 25.40 13 17.93 1.35 24.21 14 18.10 1.29 23.35 15 18.13 1.22 22.12


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