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Global fatal landslides in recent years;;2011;2013.06.21,印度德里,因季风引起强阵雨,从而引发洪水、滑坡和泥石流,造成556人死亡; “the death toll from flooding and landslides following heavy monsoon rains in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand has passed 500.” -BBC;2011; 2011年1月,巴西里约发生强降雨,并引发严重泥石流和滑坡灾害,死亡人数超900人。 “ A series of?floods and mudslides?took place in?January 2011?in several towns of the Mountainous Region in the?Brazilian?state of?Rio de Janeiro.” The cities that eported human casualties are located in a mountainous area, in theneighborhood of the?Serrados órg?os?national park.The area is a tourist hotspot due to its geographic features,historical landmarks and mild temperatures. Many buildings, however, are directly exposed to landslide hazards because of the steepterrain. ;2011; 2010年8月7日22时许,甘南藏族自治州舟曲县突降强降雨,县城北面的罗家峪、三眼峪泥石流下泄,由北向南冲向县城,造成沿河房屋被冲毁,泥石流阻断白龙江、形成堰塞湖。据中国舟曲灾区指挥部消息,截至21日,舟曲“8·8”特大泥石流灾害中遇难1434人,失踪331人,累计门诊人数2062人。;2011; 据统计倒坍塌下来的石堆约有10万立方米。这也是中华民国国道通车36年来,除1974年9月28日中山高速公路八堵立交桥附近造成36人死亡的山崩事件外,最严重的崩塌意外。 ;2011;2011; 2009年11月 萨瓦尔多发生重大泥石流和滑坡灾害,造成199人死亡。 The?2009 El Salvador floods and landslides? were?extreme weather?events that killed 199 people with others 76 missing and left $239? million in damages in?El Salvador,ome unofficial sources have the death toll up to 275 people.The flooding was caused by an unnamed weak low pressure system from the Pacific, not?Hurricane Ida?which had passed earlier.? --Wikipedia ;2011; 2006年2月菲律宾雷特岛发生重大滑坡灾害,造成1126人死亡。 “A massive rock slide-debris avalanche occurred on 17 February 2006 in the Philippine province of Southern Leyte that caused widespread damage and loss of life. The deadly landslide followed a ten-day period of heavy rains and a minor earthquake (magnitude 2.6 on the Richter scale). The official death toll was 1,126.”;全球近年相关灾难统计与分析;灾害数目;伤亡;年度 变化趋势;2010年内,不同期发生的landslide数目;地区分布;Numbers of landslides;敏感性 分布;危害分布;



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