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2011( 33) 6 A utomo tive Eng inee ring 20 11( V o.l 33) N o. 6
1 2 1 1 1 1 3
张宝亮, 范秦寅, 胡广洪 , 倪冬香 , 张 苗 , 苏 舒 , 周校平
( 1上海交通大学塑性成形工程系, 上海 200030; 2 本大阪大学大学院工学研究科, 本大阪565 - 087 1;
3上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院, 上海 200030)
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:;; /;; CFD;
1D / 3D Coupling S im ulation on V eh icle Therm a lM anagem ent
1 2 1 1
Zhang Baoliang, Fan Q iny in , Hu Guanghong , N i Dongxiang ,
1 1 3
ZhangM iao , Su Shu Zhou X iaoping
1D ep artm en t of P la sticity T echnology, Shangha i Jiaotong Un iv ersity, Shangha i 200030;
2M echan ica lE ng ineeringM icroM echan ica lS cience D ivision, Osaka Un iversity, Osaka, Jap an 565087 1;
3S ch ool of M echanical Eng in eering, Shang hai Jiaotong Un iversity, S hangha i 200030
[Ab tract] Both 3D num erica l m odel for veh icle therm al m anagem ent and 1D m ode l for the eng ine and its
coo ling system are bu ilt. The convect ion heattransfer coefficient and heattransfer volum e obta ined from 3D smi ula
t ion on the flow field and heattransfer characteristics o f engine com partm ent can be used in 1D smi ulat ion on the en
gine and its coo ling system to calcu late the tem peratures o f various com ponents in cooling system, w hich w ill in turn
be taken as the boundary cond itions o f 3D smi ulat ion to update the therm a l flow characteristics of eng ine compart
m ent. Iteration cont inues until the resu lts are con