book7 unit5 reading公开课.ppt

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book7 unit5 reading公开课

East or west, home is best Harvard University The University of Sydney 耶鲁大学Yale University总统的摇篮 Princeton University普林斯顿大学 麻省理工学院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 科技宠儿的摇篮 剑桥大学(University of Cambridge) 牛津大学(University of Oxford) How long has Xie Lei been in England? 2. What was Xie Leis feeling when she got the visa? been in England? 3. What is Xie Lei in England for? 4. Why is she doing a preparation course first? 5.Why did she feel like a child when she first arrived in England? 6.Why did Xie Lei choose to live with a host family? 7.Why did she get an E in her essay? 8.Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs? Homework Write a short essay about the advangtages and disadvantages of studying abroad(more than 120 words) of living with a host family to learn more about _____________ and ________. to have people explain things _______________ of a new way of life finding a __________ between study and a _________. making new __________. 2. What was Xie Leis feeling when she got the visa? She has been in England for six months. She was very excited but she was also nervous because she didnt know what to expect. 1. How long has Xie Lei been in England? Detailed reading Para 1: 4. Why is she doing a preparation course first? Xie Lei is in England to study for a business qualification. Because studying in England is different from studying in China . 3. What is Xie Lei in England for? Para 2: Because she had to learn how to do everyday things like using a telephone, paying bus fare, asking a shopkeeper for things,finding her way around a strange city, understanding English in the real life. 5.Why did she feel like a child when she first arrived in England? Para 3: Para 4: 6.Why did Xie Lei choose to live with a host family? She felt lonely being away from her parents. B. She couldn’t afford to live in student apartments. C. There were other college students in a host family.


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