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内容摘要收入分配不仅反映社会再生产的过程和结果,而且对要素的合理配置和经济发展有明显的导向作用。合理的收入分配格局,有利于保持社会稳定,为国民经济发展和改革的进一步深化创造良好的外部环境,随着经济的快速发展,我国居民收入分配水平在普遍提高的同时,也出现了差距相对扩大的现象。文章以我国居民收入分配格局的现状和特征为基础,通过对10年来我国居民收入分配的演变特征分析,分别从城镇居民与农村居民、不同地区间和不同行业间居民收入分配格局的变动趋势进行比较分析,发现我国城镇居民与农村居民之间的收入差距不断扩大,行业间收入差距进一步上升,地区间收入差距也在不断扩大。通过基尼系数的整体变动分析我国居民收入分配格局的变化趋势,并从经济增长、产业结构和就业结构三个方面,利用逐步回归法分析影响我国居民收入分配格局变化的主要影响因素,研究发现失业率是影响居民收入差距扩大的主要因素,最后根据研究结果给出了合理分配居民收入、缩小我国居民收入分配差距的具体建议。关键词:居民收入分配格局;基尼系数;回归分析AbstractIncome distribution not only reflects social reproduction process and results , but also for the rational allocation and economic development factors have a significant role in guiding . Rational pattern of income distribution , help maintain social stability , create a favorable external environment for the further deepening of economic development and reform, with the rapid development of the economy , the distribution of household income levels in the general increase in the same time, there have been gaps relative expanding phenomenon. Taking the current situation and characteristics of the distribution pattern of Chinas income -based , through the past 10 years Chinas income distribution evolution characteristic analysis , from urban and rural residents , between different regions and changes in trends between different sectors of income distribution pattern separately Comparative analysis found that the income gap between urban residents and rural residents between expanding income gap between industries to rise further , the income gap between regions is also expanding . Through analysis of the overall change in the Gini coefficient of the trend of Chinas income distribution patterns , and from economic growth, industrial structure and employment structure of the three aspects , analyzes the main factors affecting the pattern of changes in Chinas income distribution using stepwise regression method , the study found unemployment rate is the main factor affecting the income gap widening . Finally, a reasonable alloca



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