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包装工程 第36卷第18期 24 PACKAGINGENGINEERING 2015年9月 儿童包装中的多感官体验设计 魏专 (长沙师范学院,长沙 410100) 摘要:目的目的 分析将多种感官体验融入儿童包装设计中的可能性,确立多感官体验包装设计的方法, 并用于设计实践。方法方法 了解国内外多感官体验包装设计及其研究的现状,通过导入经典儿童感知觉 理论,完成对儿童感知觉特点的分析,探索儿童包装设计中应该注意的儿童使用心理和感官习惯。结结 论论 分别从视觉、触觉、听觉和嗅觉等感官体验方面提出具体的包装设计方法,并探寻几种感官设计共 同使用时对儿童包装使用体验效果的协同作用,并将该包装设计方法初步应用到设计案例中。 关键词:儿童包装;多感官体验;感知觉;包装设计 中图分类号:TB482 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2015)18-0024-04 Multi-sensory Experience Design in Children′ s Packaging WEI Zhuan (Changsha Normal College ,Changsha 410100 ,China) ABSTRACT :The purpose is to analyze the possibility of packaging design with various sensory experiences by children. It establishes a new packaging design method with multi-sensory experience ,and uses it to design practice. According to the current researching situation of packaging design with multi-sensory experience ,it explores how to fit children′ s psychological and sensory habits in packaging design by importing the classic children ′ s sense of perception theory and analyzing the characteristics of the children ′ s senses. A new specific packaging design method is put forward with various experience of senses such as vision ,touch ,hearing and smell. The synergistic effect with various senses is tested in children′ s packaging design.The result is good through applying the new packaging design method preliminarily in the process of graduation design. KEY WORDS :children′s packaging ;multi-sensory experience ;sensory perception ;packaging design 多感官包装设计是指在包装设计时选择不同的 感官语言对商品信息进行编码、组合,通


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