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第 40 卷 第 1 期:269-274 高电压技术 Vol.40, No.1: 269-274 2014 年 1 月 31 日 High Voltage Engineering January 31, 2014 DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.2014.01.040 昇 730070 :为提高变压器式可控电抗器的工作效率,对绕组电流进行了分析。为此,基于顺次单支路工作模式下的 绕组分级原则,在考虑所有绕组自、互漏抗影响的基础上,推导出了不同工作状态下的绕组电流、额定电流利用 率与等效漏抗的函数关系,并给出了能使电抗器高效工作的等效漏抗设计要求。通过算例说明等效漏抗会影响控 制绕组电流的分配,导致额定电流利用率低下,并由此提出电抗器设计需满足“小漏抗”原则。结果表明,当等 效漏抗小于由功率递增级数、绕组额定电流利用率设计值、第 1 级控制绕组容量比、绕组个数及短路电抗确定的 最大值时,控制绕组额定电流利用率可以满足设计要求,即变压器式可控电抗器可工作于高效状态。 :变压器式可控电抗器;电流分配;等效漏抗;利用率;“小漏抗”原则;高效性 Analysis on Winding Current of Controllable Reactor of Transformer Type TIAN Mingxing, YUAN Dongsheng, AN Xiao, YIN Jianning (School of Automation Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China) Abstract :In order to improve the efficiency of controllable reactor of transformer type, we analyzed the winding current. Based on the grading principle of step-single-branch operation mode, taking the self and mutual leakage reactance of all windings into account, we derive the functions of winding current, rated current utilization and equivalent leakage reac- tance, and propose a requirement in equivalent leakage to make the reactor efficient. Meanwhile, through an example, we demonstrate that the equivalent leakage reactance influences the winding current distribution and lowers the rated current utilization, so the design of reactors should follow the principle of minimizing leakage reactance. Some other conclusions are also drawn: the current utilization would fulfill the design requirement when the equivalent leakage reactance is less than the maximum value that is determined by the power increment coefficient, the required utilization of rated current, the


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