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初中英语爱玛读后感 篇一:《Emma》英语读书报告 Book Report of “Emma” Jane Austen is one of my favoritenovelists.Herwork, Prideand Prejudice I have read a lot oftimes, Ireallylike this book and every roles in this novel, so dose “Emma”. Think aboutJane Austen, a woman who never married all around her life, full of mystery. Sheis a famous Britishfemalenovelist, her workfocused onthe squireofmarriage andfamilylifeof womeninfemale-specificnuancedobservation andlively wittexttruepicture of theworld aroundherlittle world. Her fatherservedinthe localrectoryfor forty years, full of knowledge. And her mother came fromrelativelywealthy families, also has certain culturalaccomplishment. Although Austin did not enter formal school, but she is in good condition and reading environment of the family, gave her self-conditions, she cultivated her interest in writing. She began to write something at the age of thirteen, just a girl of thirteen-year-old enough to show her talent in terms of language. And it is no wonder how she can write out great works like these. Throughout her life, there is not too much works, but famous enough. Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen#39;s masterpiece. And Emma is one of the most influential 19th-century classicalnovels, I read it for several times andit impressed me deeply too many times. The two movies also have beenadapted intomovies and TV show many times “Emma”, wrote by Jane Austen,is a comic novel about the perils of misconstrued romance.The novel was first published in December 1815.As in her other novels,Austen explores the concerns and difficulties of genteel women living in Georgian-Regency England; she also creates a lively comedy of manners#39; among her characters. Let?s tell about the story. youngest With Heroine Emmaisthe richest man inHighburyMr.Woodhouse#39;s childhoodgoverness, daughter, her well-educatedfrom father#39;s big love MissTaylor. andcarefreelivingenvironment, soshedeveloped apretentiouscharacter.So Emma Woodhouse, a beautiful, intel


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