十字万向联轴器 十字轴式万向联轴器的分析和改进毕业设计论文.doc

十字万向联轴器 十字轴式万向联轴器的分析和改进毕业设计论文.doc

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十字万向联轴器 十字轴式万向联轴器的分析和改进毕业设计论文 河南质量工程职业学院毕业设计 业 设 计(论文) 题 目:十字轴式万向联轴器的分析和改进 毕 河南质量工程职业学院 毕业设计(论文)任务书 摘 要 我毕业设计的零件为十字轴式万向联轴器。联轴器属于机械通用零部件范畴,用来联 接不同机构中的两根轴(主动轴和从动轴)使之共同旋转以传递扭矩的机械零件。一般动力机大都借助于联轴器与工作机相联接,是机械产品轴系传动最常用的联接部件。万向联轴器用于两轴有较大偏斜角或在工作中有较大角位移的地方,它有多种结构型式,例如:十字轴式、球笼式、球叉式、凸块式、球销式、球铰式、球铰柱塞式、三销式等。其中,十字轴式万向联轴器是应用量较大的万向联轴器。 十字轴式万向联轴器是一类容许两轴间具有较大的角位移的联轴器,适用于有较大角位移的两轴之间的连接,一般两轴的轴间角最大可达35°~45°,而且在运转过程可以随时改变两轴的轴间角,其最大特点是:具有较大的角向补偿能力,结构紧凑,传动效率高。 但在生产和应用的过程中,十字轴式万向联轴器存在着一系列的的问题,如轴承座螺栓断裂、十字轴断裂等。此次设计的目的是为了对这些问题进行深入的分析,并进行合理的改进,以避免其再次出现。 关键词:联轴器,十字轴,传动效率,常规失效形式,改进方法 Abstract I graduated designed components for the cross shaft universal coupling. Common areas of mechanical coupling components used to connect two different agencies in the shaft (driving shaft and driven shaft) to make it to transfer torque common rotating mechanical parts. Most of the general power machine with the help of coupling links the machine work; mechanical products most commonly used drive shaft connection parts. Universal coupling for the two-axis deflection angle or greater have a greater angular displacement of the work place, it has a variety of structural types, such as: cross-axis, ball cage, ball fork, bump-type, -ball type, ball and socket type, plunger type ball joints, three pin type and so on. Among them, the cross-axis is the application of universal coupling universal coupling a large amount. Cross-axis is a type of universal coupling between the two axes to allow a larger angular displacement of the coupling for a larger angular displacement of the connection between the two axes, the general two-axis angle between the axis up to 35 ° ~ 45 °, but also in the running process can be changed at any time between the two axes of the shaft angle, and its most important feature: a large angle to compensate for capacity, compact, high transmission efficiency. But in the process of production and application, cross shaft universal coupling there is a series of problems, such as


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