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物流配送经营模式浅析 毕 业 论 文 翔鹤公司小件散件零担物流 配送经营模式浅析 专 业 物 流 管 理 学生姓名 周 宇 强 班 级 B物管071 学 号 0710408108 指导教师 蔡 建 华 完成日期 二零一一年六月 盐城工学院本科生毕业论文2011 翔鹤公司小件散件零担物流配送经营模式浅析 摘 要:随着市场经济的发展,作为“第三利润源”的物流在我国的生产,配送, 流通和消费的各个领域表现出了日益重要的作用。配送是物流系统中很重要的一个 环节,在物流的各项成本中占了很高的比重。配送不仅关系到之前诸多物流环节的 价值是否能得到有效实现,更关系到整个物流系统的效率和质量。当今的物流配送 业务具有货物批量小,种类多,时间窗层次多等特点,而小件散件零担物流配送最 能充分表现出这些特点。本课题以盐城翔鹤公司的小件散件零担物流物流配送经营 模式为研究对象,以物流专业知识为基础,从翔鹤公司的物流配送经营现状为依据, 分别对其优越性及存在的问题做了阐述与分析,并结合自身实践与思考针对部分问 题提出了相对应的改进措施,并取得了一定的成效。希望通过本文的初步研究,能 够起到帮助翔鹤公司进一步完善目前的经营管理,扩大业务量,提高利润的作用, 更希望能对促成以客运班车为核心运力的这种小件散件零担物流配送模式的规范和 发展起到推动作用。 关键词:物流配送;零担物流;配送经营模式 翔鹤公司小件散件零担物流配送经营模式浅析 The analysis of Xiang He company small pieces of spare parts logistics business model of LTL Abstarct:With the development of market economy, as Logistics in China’s production, distribution, circulation and consumption in all areas showed an increasingly important role. Distribution logistics system is a very important aspect of the cost of logistics accounts for a high proportion. Before distribution to the many not only whether the value of the logistics chain can be effectively achieved, is also related to the logistics system efficiency and quality. Today’s logistics and distribution business with small quantities of goods, variety, time windows and other features multiple levels, and small pieces of spare parts logistics LTL most fully demonstrated these characteristics. The topics to Yancheng Xiang He LTL company’s small pieces of spare parts logistics and distribution logistics business model as the research object, based on professional knowledge of logistics, Xiang He from the operating status of the company’s logistics and distribution, based on the respective advantages and problems of its Are described in detail and analysis, combined with its own practice and thinking some of the issues raised against the corresponding measures for improvement and have achieved some results.Hope tha


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