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tier4父母资金承诺资助信 篇一:父母资助声明 中英文模板 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, FINANCIAL GUARANTEE This is a letter of intention to indicate that we have financial capability and we are willing to support my son, Mr.XXXXXX, during his stay in the XXX to (your purpose to go abroad) and whatever he may need financially. Our support will include his living cost and travelling expense to and ba ck from XXX. Best wishes. Sincerely yours, XXX’s Father: XXX’s Mother: Date: 致启信者: 资助声明 我们特著此信声明我们具备经济能力且愿意在我们的儿子,XXX,在XX国( 出国目的 )的停留期间给予他经济上的资助,以完成他在XX国停留期间所产生的一切开销。我们的资助包括他在XX国的生活开支和从中国去往XX国以及从XX国返回的交通花费。 致 礼 XXX父亲: XXX母亲: 日期: 篇二:父母资助信样本 父母资助信样本 中文版 签证官同志: 我们是 (被资助人姓名) 的父母,我们完全支持 (被资助人姓名) 的自费留学出国要求, 并为她/他提供所需要的全部学习生活费用。父亲 (父亲姓名)在(单位名称) 工作,主要从事 (工作描述);母亲(母亲姓名)在 (单位名称) 工作,主要从事 (工作描述)。因此 (被资助人姓名)出国留学全部费用,都是来源于我们的合法收入。 此致 敬礼 (被资助人姓名) 父亲:(签字) (被资助人姓名)母亲:(签字) 日期 英文版本1 Dear Sir or Madam, We are the parents of (被资助人姓名) and totally support her/his request to going abroadto pursue her/his undergraduate/graduate studies in the UK. We can provide her/him with all the expenses while in the UK. (父亲姓名),her/his father, (职位名称), works in (单位名称) , responsible for (工作描述). (母亲姓名), her/his mother,(职位名称),works in (单位名称). responsible for (工作描述). Therefore, all the expenses 被资助人姓名 needed for her/his studying and stay in the UK come from our legal earnings. Best wishes Sincerely yours, (父亲签字) (父亲姓名) (被资助人姓名)#39;s father (母亲签字) (母亲姓名) (被资助人姓名)#39;s mother 英文版本2 Dear visa officer: Our daughter/son , XXX , will persue her/his undergraudate studies in the UK. As her/his parents,we will fully support her/his expenses incurred in the UK during these years by our legal income.The expenses includes the tuition, accommodation fee and other expenses . Best wishes, Sincerely yours, XXX#39;s Father: XXX#39; s Mather: 日期 篇三:父母资助信英国旅游签证 Dear visa officer: We are the parents of XXX and totally support her request to travel to the UK. We will provide all expenses incurred during travelin



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