《上海学生英文报》小学进阶配套PPT 292期.ppt

《上海学生英文报》小学进阶配套PPT 292期.ppt

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《上海学生英文报》小学进阶配套PPT 292期

第7版 Story Zone 故事地带 凯文的旧毛衣要被妈妈送走了, 那可是奶奶亲手织给他的呢! My Favourite Clothes One day, Kevin’s mother decided to take Kevin’s old sweater to the charity shop. Kevin said, “Wait! It still fits me. Look.” He put the sweater on, but it was too short for him. Grandma knitted this sweater for Kevin. It was his favourite. “Oh, why did I grow so much? I love this sweater. OK. You can take it,” Kevin said reluctantly. A few hours later, Kevin’s mother came back. “I didn’t take the sweater to the shop,” she said. “I found someone on the way.” Then she took out a teddy bear and said, “And he really needed some new clothes.” Wow, the teddy bear was wearing Kevin’s old sweater and it just fitted him! Word Bank 超纲词汇 decide /dIsaId/ v. 决定 charity /t57r=tI/ n. 慈善 still /stIl/ adv. 仍然,还 fit /fIt/ v. 适合,合身,过去 式为fitted或fit knit /nIt/ v. 编织 reluctantly /rIl2kt=ntlI/ adv. 不情愿地,勉强地 someone /s2mw2n/ pron. 某人 just /d32st/ adv. 正好,恰好 a few hours later 几小时后 * * 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒 有其主,必有其宠。 Like Pet, Like Owner ★Massage Your Ears    What do you do when you feel tired? Too much coffee is bad for our health. How about giving your ears a massage? There are many acupuncture points in our ears. Massaging them can make you feel energetic! ★ Sweet and Soothing Honey    We often cough a lot when we catch a cold. That doesn’t feel good, does it? Then have some honey. Honey helps treat a cough. ★ Give me a Smile!    A simple smile can not only make other people happy, but also can relax ourselves. Yes, a forced smile also helps! ★ Wake Up!    Sometimes our body parts become numb. To quickly wake them up, move your head from side to side. Head movement is useful to relax your body. A Musical Ruler 会“唱歌”的尺? With this ruler, you can make your own music easily. Put the ruler on the edge of a flat surface and flick it. Then you can enjoy the music made by you! Word Bank 超纲词汇 tip /tIp/ n. 有用的小建议,实用的小提示 massage /m7sa:3/ v. n.按摩 energetic /;en=d3etIk/ adj. 充满活力的 soo


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