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Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches ?对...表示感谢 1、to thank sb. for (doing) sth. 例:委员会的全体成员为这次会议的成功召开付出了辛勤的劳动,我谨向他们表示感谢 I wish to thank/appreciate all the members of the committee for their hard work, which made this conference possible 2、to appreciate sb. for (doing) sth. ?对...表示感谢 3、to express my/our (sincere) thanks to sb. for sth. 例:借此机会,我代表我们公司的全体成员,对东道主的热情邀请表示真诚的感谢 On behalf of all the members of our company, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their gracious invitation ?对...表示感谢 例:借此机会,我代表中国政府和中国人民,向所有为我们两国友好关系做出贡献的朋友们,表示衷心的感谢! Let me take this opportunity, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the friends who have contributed to friendly relations between our two nations 4、to express my/our appreciation to sb. for sth. (or,who...) ?对...表示感谢 例:我还要对15年来给予我们支持和帮助的医生们表示感谢! My gatitude also goes to the doctors who had given their support and assistance in the past 15 years 5、My gratitude goes to sb.(who...) ?欢迎 例:在美丽的金秋时节,我很高兴欢迎各位贵宾来参加“中国西部论坛”! In the golden autumn, I am very happy to welcome our distinguished guests to China West Forum 我谨代表中国政府向来自世界各地的嘉宾表示热烈欢迎! On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all distinguished guests coming from all over the wrold 1、welcome/ to extend a warm welcome ?欢迎 2、welcome sb. (or sth.) be welcome to do sth. 注:welcome的搭配没有welcome sb. to do sth. 例:欢迎下一位演讲者 Welcome next speaker 我们欢迎更多的外资 We welcome more foreign investment 欢迎你们到中国去开创事业 You are welcome to open new business in China ?介绍 1、to show sb. sth. 例:我想向大家介绍一下这个新发明 I want to show you this invention 2、to tell sb. how/what 例:主席先生将给我们介绍一下中国扶贫运动的情况 Mr. Chairman is going to tell us how to anti-poverty drive is going on in China ?介绍 3、to brief sb. on 例:借此机会,我想向大家介绍一下中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的的有关情况 I would l


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