【高分突破】2016七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 4课件.ppt

【高分突破】2016七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 4课件.ppt

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【高分突破】2016七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 4课件

* 学 习 重 点 学 习 目 标 Period 4预习案 (Writing P48 ) Period 4训练案 (Writing P48 ) 思 路 点 拨 美 文 共 赏 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ? 学 习 重 点 学 习 目 标 【学习重点】 阅读有关文章并将目标语言、短语及句型运用到写作中。 【学习目标】 学会写一篇关于指明路线的文章 美 文 共 赏 Tom lives in New York. Where is his house? His house is across from a post office on Long Road. He usually goes shopping at a supermarket. It is between a hotel and a restaurant. On weekends, he likes to eat delicious food in the restaurant. To get there, first you can take the No. 11 bus, and then get off the bus at the library. After that, pass the library and walk along Center Street. After ten minutes, you will find the restaurant in front of you. The place Tom lives 1._____________________________________ The position (位置) of Tom’s house 2._____________________________________ The place the supermarket is 3._____________________________________ The time he likes to eat in the restaurant 4._____________________________________ The bus he should take to the restaurant 5._____________________________________ 美 文 共 赏 一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息卡。 Information Card New York Across from a post office Between a hotel and a restaurant On weekends The No. 11 bus 思 路 点 拨 二、重点词汇积累 6. 在……对面 __________________________ 7. 在他家附近 ____________________________ 8. 在酒店和餐馆之间 ____________________ 9. 要到那里的话 _________________________ 10. 乘坐11线公车 ______________________ 11. 经过图书馆 __________________________ 12. 沿着……走 _________________________ 13. 在……的前面 _________________________ near his house between a hotel and a restaurant across from pass the library walk along in front of take the No.11 bus to get there 思 路 点 拨 三.找出文章中的连接词。 14. 首先 ________________ 15. 然后 _________________ 16. 在那之后 ______________________ then after that first 四. 重点句型解析并翻译句子。 1) To get there, first you can take the No.11 bus, and then get off the bus at the library. 要到那里的话,首先你要乘坐11线公车,然后在图书馆下车。 to get there: 为了要到那里。get 是动词,后接副词there 不用加to, 如果get 后接的是名词要加to。 17. get off: 下车。



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