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? HYPERLINK /home.php?mod=spaceuid=26104 \t _blank 收集者?发表于 2014-7-23 23:31:10?|? HYPERLINK /forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=28616page=1authorid=26104 只看该作者?| HYPERLINK /forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=28616from=album 只看大图? ↑ 总平 Plan ↑ 鸟瞰 Birds-eye view 项目概况? Project Summary “一馆一园”项目位于海珠湖湿地公园北侧,东邻万亩果园,生态环境良好,是广州市新城市中轴线南段的重要节点。项目总用地面积约34.5公顷, 包括广州文化馆和岭南大观园。项目主要研究广州文化馆、岭南大观园与海珠湖公园景观的融和;滨水岸线的利用和处理。 The “One Museum and One Garden” project is located innorth of Haizhu wetland,adjacent to acres of orchards on the east. It serves as an important spot in the southern section of the new city axis in Guangzhou. The scope covers an area of 34.5 hectares, which including Guangzhou Cultural Museum and Lingnan Prospect Garden. The project will advance new urban development for the Guangzhou Cultural Museum, Lingnan Prospect Garden and Haizhu Lake. ↑ 中轴鸟瞰 Birds-eye view of axis 项目挑战 Project Challenges 位于广州新的城市中轴线南端的“一馆一园”项目,它将不只是珠江新城国际化大都市中轴线的简单延伸,更不会是对传统文化和符号的简单复制。 如何运用一种岭南园林建筑的现代语汇,打造一个具有创意的、体现“百粤精萃,岭南风情”的群众文化活动空间,将是本项目最大的特色和挑战。 The “One Museum and One Garden”project is not just a simple extension of the Zhujiang New Town cosmopolitan axis, nor a simple duplicate of the traditional culture and symbols. The biggest challenge was to create a grand cultural space that embodies the essence of Lingnan culture with modern and innovative approaches. ↑ 中轴景观花渡廊带 Axial flower galley 总体规划? Overall planning 设计中总体规划结构强调以下四大理念: The overall planning features 4 concepts as below: 1、 轴线延展 Extension of Axis? ? 城市中轴线的延伸打造,解决城市与公园的交通和视线联系,也形成了岭南大观园与海珠湖环湖公园的串联。 Extend the city axis and build connections between the urban area and the park, which in turn connects the Lingnan Prospect Garden with the? Haizhu Lake. 2、东西连结 Connection between the east and the west 利用“岭南花渡景观廊带”连结公园的东西两区, 加上六大景观节点的布置,将形成更加连续和富有空间节奏感的大观园景观界面。 Connecting the east and west sides of the park are six decorative Lingnan Flower Galleries.It will generate a continuous sense of space and rhythmic garden view. 3、聚心合围 Encircl


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