七下英语六单元I‘m watching TV.ppt

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七下英语六单元I‘m watching TV

* * UNIT 6 I’m watching TV. Period 1: Section A 1a—2c (含Self Check 1) 山西省太原市清徐县杨房中学 畅素平 Lead in apartment of Home With Children bedroom living room It’s 8:00 p.m. at the weekend. Let’s guess what they are doing now. You could answer this question like this: Liu Xing is watching TV. Are you clear? 1a . reading a newspaper using the computer making soup washing the dishes drinking tea Xia Donghai Xia Xiaoxue Xia Xiaoyu Liu Mei Liu Xing Maybe Please match them. Result: They are having dinner. 1a. Match the activities with the pictures in 1a. Answers: 1.i 2.d 3.g 4.a 5.h 6.e 7.b 8.c 9.f 现在分词构成口诀: 现在分词用途多,进行时态不可缺; 它的构成很好记,动词后缀-ing。 词尾者有哑音e,去e再加没问题。 一辅重读闭音节,这个字母要双写。 还有一点要注意,改ie为y再加-ing。 Imagine you are Steve, your partner is John. Please have a role-play in pairs. You can use the following sentences. S1: What are you doing? Are you doing your homework? S2: Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I am watching TV/eating… S1: Do you want to go to the movies? S2: That sounds good. This TV show is boring/ the food is awful…/Sorry, I am busy. 2c. Role-play Homework 1 must be done. You can choose to do or not to do the other works according to your condition. 1. Finish Self Check 1. Homework 2. 根据答句写问句,根据问句及括号中的提示写答句。 (1)A: ? B:I am reading a book. (2)A: ? B:He is writing a letter to his friend at home. (3)A:What are the boys doing? B: (swim) (4)A:What is the woman doing? B: (run) 3. Pay attention to your family’s weekend. Write a passage to describe their activities or draw a picture to show your nice family. Thanks !


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