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Unit 11 1.gift = present n 礼物( ) I got many __________(礼物) on my birthday. 2.(1)hang→hung→hung v 徘徊,逗留(2)hang –hanged—hanged v 悬挂 hang out =hang about= hang around闲逛 hang up 挂断电话 hang on 别挂断电话,坚持 ( ) ① Mary _____ out with her friends last Sunday night. A. hung B. hang C. hanged D. hanging ( ) ②He ____ the basket on the wall after entering the room yesterday. A. hang B. hangs C. hung D. hanged 3.win→won → won v 获胜 【词型变换】 winning (现在分词) → winner n 获胜者 (1)win + 比赛、游戏、奖品 win a medal 赢得金牌 (2)beat + 人Ma Ling beat Wang Hao in the 29th Olympic ① John did best in the competition and _______(win) first prize. ② Congratulations to all the _________(win). ( ) ③ — Our team ______ the match. — Well done! Congratulations! A. hit B beat C. won D. watched 4. First they visited the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about sharks. 首先,他们参观了游览者中心并且看了一部有关鲨鱼的电影 visit v 拜访→visitor n 参观者 【拓展】“动词+or” act(表演)→actor(演员)invent (发明) →inventor (发明家) collect(收藏) →collector(收藏家) ① Many _________(visit) come to Guilin for their trip every year. ( ) ② — When ____ you ____ your old friend? — The day before yesterday. A. will; visit B. did ; visitor C. will; visitor D. did; visit 5. At the end of the day … 那天结束时… end n 结束; 结尾 / v 结束 (1)in the end =finally =at last最后 (2)at the end of … 在…尽头 at the end of the street 在街道的末端(指地点) at the end of the January 在一月底(表示时间) (3)by the end of 到……为止 by the end of this year 到今年年底 In the end , they reached home. At the end of road , you can see a hospital. By the end of last year we have learned 3000 words. ( ) ① He’s leaving ___ end of this morning. A. at B. at the C. with D. with the ( ) ② Finally, he found the shop ____ the road on the left. A. at the end of B. by the end of C. in the end of D. for the end of 6.outdoor adj. 室外的 (反) indoor 室内的 outdoor activity 室外活动 7. Did you have fun camping? 野营有趣吗? have fun =have a great /good/ nice/ wonderful time= enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 ( ) ① — Did they have fun



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