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中国医科大学2016年1月课程考试《英语1》考查课试题 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. Th runkn rivr shoul __________ th trffi int. . rsponsil on . rsponsil to . for rsponsil . rsponsil for 正确答案: 2. I hv spnt ll my pokt mony on _________ ooks this yr. . worthwhil . worth . worthy . worthlss 正确答案: 3. Solirs r ________ for ny nws from hom. . frinly . suprior . gr . ptint 正确答案: 4. Th forignr _________ th moon k n foun it vry liious. . ffor . li . smpl . offr 正确答案: 5. I wnt to omplin of th poor _______ of your srvi. . ssmly . osrvtion . xprin . qulity 正确答案: 6. Sny will ____ t th trin sttion on stury. . s him off . s off him . s him of . s him wy 正确答案: 7. Th mssor’s posting hs om _________; it’s Wshington. . out . up . through . off 正确答案: 8. Pn Hong is known s _________ trss. . omi . oprti . trgi . ning 正确答案: 9. Th hirmn of th Ovrss hins ssoition insists ____. . I will th srtry-gnrl . m to th srtry-gnrl . I th srtry-gnrl . m th srtry-gnrl 正确答案: 10. His pln is u t 10. Listn,____ pln is in t____irport. . , . th,th . th, n . ,n 正确答案: 11. His first ______ t his fthr’s footstps is to hi th novl h is ring. . rfltion . rltion . tion . rtion 正确答案: 12. s th rin ws gtting hvir, th tourists wr for to ____ for th hotl whr thy wr stying. . fin out . om through . st off . go ovr 正确答案: 13. omputr usrs nn’t unrstn th _________ pross tking pl hin . onfus . omplit . hmil . physil 正确答案: 14. I slt th most iffiult jo for myslf us I fin tht th mor jo hllngs m, ____. . th mor ttr I lik it . I lik it th mor ttr . th st I lik . th ttr I lik it 正确答案: 15. Pls ________ your foo slowly for swllowing it. . so . xtn . stoop . hw 正确答案: 16. Miss Go, pls show our mrin visitors ___ our mpus. . y . to . of . roun 正确答案: 17. nyon who rks th sp ________ n is ught y th polimn will riv tikt. . unlimit . imittion . limit . limit 正确答案: 18. Is this ____ppl tr? No, ____tr is____orng tr. . n,, th . , th, n . n, th, n . th, th, n 正确答案: 19. onstnt _________ xriss l to long lif. . physilly . physil . xtly . rntly 正确答案


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