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1.dive the fish 2.Fall the goose 3. Obscure the moon 4. Blush the flowers Xishi Wangzhaojun Yangyuhuan Diaochan 沉鱼 落雁 闭月 羞花 西施 王昭君 貂蝉 杨玉环 1.Who 3.Influence 5.Summary 2.Disadvantages Xishi 1.During the Spring and Autumn Period. 2.Born in zhuluo(苎萝 ) town of Yue 3.Huaxia clan(华夏族) 4.Shiyiguang (施夷光),Xizi (西子) Wang Zhaojun 1.Han dynasty 2. The Han nationality 3.Wangqiang (王嫱), Mingfei (明妃) 4.Born in nanjunzigui(南郡秭归 ) 5. palace maid (宫女) 1.Donghan dynasty Diaochan 2. The Han nationality 3.Renhongchang(任红昌) 4.Born in luoyang 5. Maid(侍女) Yang Yuhuan 1.Tang dynasty 3.Born in ? 2. The Han nationality 4.Yangguifei(杨贵妃) ,yangtaizhen(杨太真) 5. imperial concubine (贵妃) Xishi : big feet longuette(长裙) Wang Zhaojun : sloping shoulders(削肩) shawl(披肩) Diaochan : Small ear Big ear ring Yang Yuhuan: bromhidrosis (狐臭) Flower bath(花瓣浴) 红颜祸水vs复国英雄 There is no doubt that Xishi was famous because of her contribution to the country in the wartime. Whats more, she accepted the burden to defense the country bravely and did her part to save the country.   Dangerous beauty vs Zionist hero Foster (培养)peaceful relations between China and the Xiongnu for 60 years. 卧底 . Being a beauty, Diaochan was meditated(计划) among important politicians, however, she can always complete her political tasks. So, she was honoured(誉为) as well. Spy vs undercover agent Emperor Xuanzong was smitten(迷倒) by Yang Guifei . And totally neglected(忽视) his state affairs. Causing the country’s downfall. Compared with the other three, Yang’s political contribution to the country was negative. She brought the Tang Dynasty into declination(衰落). 西施舌 昭君鸭 Coelomactra antiquata Zhaojun duck 貂蝉豆腐 贵妃鸡 Diaochan tofu princess chickens 1. different dynasties 2. famous, highly regarded for their beauty 3. had tremendous(极大的) influence on Chinese history 4. ended in tragedy (悲剧)or mystery Summary: Certainly, the Four Beauties all have perfect outlooks, and all have great


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