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computer is important. 作文: 连接词 1. To begin with, 首先 2. In addition, 其次 3. What’s more, 再者 4. Also, 此外 5. Evidently, 明显地 引导辞 1. there is no question that 毫无疑问 2. an army of publics put that 一些人说 3. from a substantial amount of individuals’ perspective, 在一些人看来 4.with the rapid development of industrialization and commercialization, 随着工业化商业化的快速发展 一+二+computer is important. 1.1 + 2.1 To begin with , there is no question that computer is important. 1.5+2.3 Evidently, from a substantial amount of individuals’ perspective, computer is important. 三、定从和同位语(位于核心词之后) 1. which lies extremely close to our life 与我们的生活紧密相关 2. which caters to the needs of different groups 迎合了不同人的需求 3. , as a great force to call on people to develop constantly, 作为一种伟大的力量驱使着人们持续发展 computer is important. 1.2+2.2+3.1 In addition, an army of publics put that computer which lies extremely close to our life is important. 1.4+2.1+3.2 Also, there is no question that computer which caters to the needs of different groups is important. 1.5+2.4+3.3 Evidently, with the rapid development of industrialization and commercialization , computer ,as a great force to call on people to develop constantly, is important. v 插入语(be后行前助行间) be后: computer is important. computer is ,as a matter of fact, important. 行前: computer influences our life. computer ,directly or indirectly , influences our life. 助行间: computer will influence our life. computer will ,to a large degree,influence our life. 1. ,as a matter of fact, 事实上说 2. ,directly or indirectly, 直接或间接 3. ,to a large degree, 很大程度上 computer is important. 1.3+2.1+4.2 What’s more , there is no question that computer is ,directly or indirectly, important. 1.5+2.2+4.1 Evidently, an army of publics put that computer is ,as a matter of fact, important. 五、句子连连看 1.computer plays an indispensable role in our community.(左右都可以) 电脑在我们的社会中扮演着重要的角色。 1.1+2.1+3.1+5.1 To begin with,


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