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* 你从安东尼.高迪身上学到了什么? 安东尼.高迪 You from Anthony. Gaudi learned what? 高迪的个人简介: 安东尼·高迪安东尼·高迪,全名安东尼·高迪·克尔内特(Antoni Gaudi i Cornet,1852年6月25日-1926年6月10日),西班牙“加泰隆现代主义”(Catalan Modernisme,属于新艺术运动,与二十世纪初的现代主义并不相同)建筑家,为新艺术运动的代表性人物之一。安东尼·高迪以独特的建筑艺术称荣,城市几乎所有最具盛名的建筑物都出自他一人之手,被称作巴塞罗那建筑史上最前卫、最疯狂的建筑艺术家。 Anthony Gaudiantoni Gaudi, Anthony Gaudi Kyrnet (Antoni Gaudi I Cornet, June 25, 1852 - June 10, 1926), the Spanish Catalan modernism (Catalan Modernisme, belongs to the new art movement, is not the same as with the modernist architecture in early twentieth Century), as one of the representative figures of the new art movement. Anthony Gaudi unique architectural art called Rong City, almost all of the most famous buildings are from his hands, known as the Barcelona building in the history of the most avant-garde, the most crazy architectural artists 安东尼.高迪的代表作品及个人的分析: 圣家族教堂 1883—1926 圣家族教堂始建于1884年,历时42年才完成,凝结了高迪一生的心血。原设计有12个高高的塔楼,由于施工技术十分复杂,建筑经费常常中断,直至高迪去世的时候,只完成了4个塔楼。整个建筑没有遵循古典教堂设计的清规戒律,是一个高度个人风格的作品。虽然顶楼保留着哥特式的韵味,但结构已经简练的多,教堂内外布满钟乳石式的雕塑和装饰件,使得建筑具有强烈的雕塑式的艺术表现特征,神奇而充满梦幻色彩 Holy Family Church was founded in 1884, took 42 years to complete, the condensation of Gaudis lifes work. The original design of 12 high towers, the construction technology is complex, the construction cost is often interrupted, until Gaudi died, only completed 4 towers. The building does not follow the classical design of the Church of the sacred rules of the religious order, is a highly personal style of work. Although the preserved Gothic charm, but the structure is succinct, inside and outside the church filled with stalactites of sculpture and decorative pieces, the building has the sculpture strong artistic features, magic and fantasy 米拉公寓1910 米拉公寓,在米拉公寓中最突出的设计元素是曲线,作为建筑设计师,高迪似乎忘记了建筑设计必须的直线,而是极为大胆的表现出对曲线冲动般的热爱,在米拉公寓里,高迪对曲线的运用可谓到了极高的境界。塔元素的使用主要在米拉公寓的屋顶上,这些塔被高迪设计成一些奇形怪状的突出物,这些奇特形式的塔在这里的运用使米拉公寓屋顶楼台颇具观点成为具有梦幻色彩的空间。 La Pedrera design elements in the La Pedrera, the most prominent is the curve, as an archi


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