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主动语态中不+ to的词组 被动语态中还原to的词组 * 动词 主要动词 助动词 实义动词 连系动词 基本助动词 情态助动词 及物动词 不及物动词 不带宾语 带宾语 vt vi transitive verb intransitive verb 1.Open the door. 2.Stand here. 3. Raise your hand if you have any question. 4. The sun rises in the east. 5. She boiled the water for tea. 6. Class begins at 8 o’clock. 7. The famer grows rice. 8. The crops are growing well. vt vt vt vt vi vi vi vi The passive voice (in the simple present tense) 1. English is widely used. 2. A recorder is often used by our teacher. 3. I’m told that the meeting will be put off. 4. The exam papers aren’t given out by him. 一般现在时的被动语态: am / is / are + done 1.Everything living thing needs water. Water _____ _______ by every living thing. 2.Water covers most of the Earth’s surface. Most of the Earth’s surface ___ ______ by water. 3.Our teacher often tells us to save water. We ___ often_____ to save water by ____ ______. 4.People use knives for cutting things. Knives ____ ______ for cutting things. 5.The students clean the windows of their classroom twice a month. The windows of their classroom____ _______ twice a month. is needed is covered are told our teacher are used are cleaned People use water for(为了) drinking and recreation. Water ____ ______ for drinking and recreation. 2. We use water to make electricity. Water ____ ______ to make electricity. 3.The boy protects newspapers from rain. Newspapers ____ ______ from rain by the boy. is used are protected used is People use water for(为了) drinking and recreation. Water ____ ______ for drinking and recreation. 2. We use water to make electricity. Water ____ ______ to make electricity. 3.The boy protects newspapers from rain. Newspapers ____ ______ from rain by the boy. isn’t used isn’t used aren’t protected Do people use water for(为了)drinking and recreation? ____ water ______ for drinking and recreation? 2. We don’t use water to make electricity. Water ____ ______ to make electricity


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