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* Pun 双关 Definition: The pun, also called paronomasia [,p?r?n?umei??] , is a form of word play which suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical [rit?rik?l, -t?:-] effect. 双关指的是借助语言文字上的同音异义或同形异义现象使一个词语或句子具有两种不同的意思。在英语中,同音异义或同形异义词是构成双关的最简便的方法,在语义上,它是一种模棱两可,显而易见的词汇歧义。使用多义词,以便在话语中暗示该词有两种或多种词义;或使用同音异义词来创造使用者所需要的效果。 双关有如下三种表现形式: Homophonic [,h?m?uf?nik] puns 谐音双关 .The homophonic pun, a common type, utilizes the exploitation [,ekspl?itei??n] of word pairs which sound alike (homophones) but are not synonymous. A homophonic pun exploits words which are spelled the same (homographs) but possess different meanings and sounds. Because of their nature, they rely on sight more than hearing, contrary to homophonic puns. They are also known as heteronymic puns. 谐音双关指的是借助话语在发音上的完全相同或相似而构成的双关。这种双关在英语中首先巧妙的运用同音异形异义词,紧扣双重语境,诗人产生由表及里的联想,增添不同的感情色彩,能收到语言新鲜活泼、诙谐有趣、滑稽幽默、生动形象的修辞效果。 例句: 1.On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday prey on you. 星期天他们为你祈祷,星期一他们却向你榨取。 2.Seven days without water makes one weak (week). 七天不喝水,虚的拉不动腿。 Homographic [,h?m?uɡr?fik] puns 词义双关 . Homonymic puns, another common type, arise from the exploitation of words which are both homographs and homophones. A homonymic pun may also be polysemic, in which the words must be homonymic and also possess related meanings, a condition which is often subjective. However, lexicographers define polysemes as listed under a single dictionary lemma (a unique numbered meaning) while homonyms are treated in separate lemmata. 语义双关是利用同形异义词(homonyms)或者利用一词多义( polysemy )的特点,紧扣双重语境,表达两层意思,造成诙谐的效果。语义双关的先决条件是一词多义。它有两种情况:一是某词只出现一次,其字面意义与内涵不同;二是某词出现多次,因意境的不同而词义不同。英语的幽默也常常靠双关这种语音手段来实现。它的表现形式有两种,一种是同形异义词homonyms;一种是一词多义polysemy . Homonyms [h?m?nims] : Why is an empty purse always the same? Because there is never any change in it. 钱包为什么老是瘪的? 因为它里面从来就没有零钱。 Polysemy [,p?lisi:mi, p?lis?mi, p?lisi:mi] We eat what we can and what we can’t


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