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扶中汉英文第一册 (实用英文) Drill [dr?l] 训练;钻孔机 Responses [rspɑns] n. 响应回应 1 my parents are kind. 1. Are you David? [deivid] Yes, I am David. 2. Is Jane your niece? Yes, she is my niece 3. Is she a tall girl? No. she is short. 4. Is she happy? No. she is always unhappy because she is short. 5. Are her parents also short? Yes, they are, but they are often happy. 6. Why are they often happy? Because their sons and daughters are all smart. 7. IS that their house? Yes, it is their house. 8. Is it a large house? Yes, it is large. 9. Is that boy your nephew? [nefju?]n. 侄子;外甥 Yes, he is my nephew. 10. Is he a student? No, he is a doctor. 11. Is he rich? Yes, most doctors are rich. 12. Is your nephew a nice doctor? Yes, he is always kind and patient . 13. Is that his car? Yes, it is. 14. Is it a new car? No, it is an old car. 15. Are cars expensive in Taiwan? Yes, they are expensive. 16. Are refrigerators and TV sets also expensive in Taiwan? TV set n. [电视] 电视机 No, they are cheap. 17. Is that young lady Jane? No, she is my daughter. She is beautiful. My wife is also beautiful. 19. You are a lucky man. Yes, I am always lucky. 20. Are you tired? Yes, I am. I am also tired. 2 I love jane 1. What do you do? I am a chef. 2. Do you like your job? Yes, I do. 3. Is your wife a housewife? No. she also is a chef. 4. Do you work in the same restaurant? restaurant [rest?r??] n. 餐馆;饭店 No, we don’t work in the same restaurant. 进入 5. Do you ever do housework at home? ever [ev?] adv. 永远;曾经;究竟 Yes, sometimes I do the dishes.洗餐具;洗碗碟 6. Do you have any children? Yes, we have a daughter. 7. Does your daughter go to school? Yes, she goes to Taiwan University. 8. What does she study? She studies chemistry. 9. Is she a good student? Yes, she always gets high grades. 高品位;高级的 10. How is her English? Her English is excellent. [eks(?)l(?)nt] adj. 卓越的;极好的;杰出的 11. How many hours a day does she study English? She studies English three hours a day. 12. Does


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