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1.Malatang (numb, spicy soup)   麻辣烫   A humble version of hotpot, you pick your own skewered vegetables and meat from the shelf (from RMB 1), and get staff to boil them together in chicken or pork broth.   一只其貌不扬的辣锅,货架上有各种串好的蔬菜和肉类任君选择,然后让店里的服务员来帮你用鸡肉或猪肉熬制的高汤将这些食材一起煮沸。   2. Sheng jian (fried bun)   生煎包   It’s hard to resist succulent pork buns, especially when they are fried and garnished with fresh spring onion and toasted sesame.   多汁的猪肉包精心煎炸,加上新鲜的小葱末和炒过的熟芝麻,真是一种难以拒绝的美味!   They taste best just out of the pan -- totally worth the blisters on your tongue.   刚出锅的生煎包风味最佳——完全值得你舌头上烫口的刺痛。   3. Xiaolongbao (soup dumpling)   小笼包   RMB 4 usually gets you eight of these velvety and delicate Shanghai classics. The cure for any hunger pang, these are seriously good.   只需4元钱就可以买到8只这样口感醇香,质地绵软的沪上名吃。对任何一个饥肠辘辘的吃货,这都是非常好的选择。   4. Cong You Bing (green onion pancake)   葱油饼   The best green onion pancakes are cooked up by little old grannies who get up at 6 a.m. to cook, knead and slap these petite bing in the city’s many longtangs.   最好的葱油饼都是身材娇小的大妈做出来的。她们清早六点起床张罗,揉面,摔饼,在这个城市大大小小的弄堂里都能找到这种小小的中式面饼。   5.Tofu flower soup   豆腐花   Made by curdling soy milk, this smooth tofu soup contains the subtle flavor of soybeans beneath a colorful mixed dressing of dried shrimps, pickled radish, seaweed, scallion, soy sauce and chili oil.   豆腐花是凝固的豆奶制成的,入口即化,含着大豆的柔和清香,上面撒着五彩缤纷的什锦配料,有干虾皮,酸萝卜,海带,小葱,酱油,还有辣椒油。   6. Stinky tofu   臭豆腐   You know you are becoming a true Chinese when you start craving stinky tofu.   当你开始为臭臭的豆腐垂涎的时候,你就会知道你已经是一个真正的中国人了。   Once we got over the initial shock of the stench of the snack we found the tofu clean and silky. And four for just RMB 1 -- we’d be crazy not to love these.   一开始我们是惊奇的,这种小吃气味奇丑,豆腐却是干净卫生,口感丝滑的。四只臭豆腐才1块钱——如果我们不爱上它一定是傻掉了。   7.Hong shan yu (baked sweet potato)   烤红薯   Sweet, fluffy, and fibrous, these baked sweet potatoes are a nice contrast to most cheap eats in China. Usually sold out of a pushcart, they are one of the healthiest snacks in town.   口感香甜,质地松软,丝丝


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