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1.The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy Chapter one THE THREE WOMEN A Face on Which Time Makes but Little Impression A SATURDAY afternoon in November was approaching the time of twilight, and the vast tract of unenclosed wild known as Egdon Heath embrowned itself moment by moment. Overhead the hollow stretch of whitish cloud shutting out the sky was as a tent which had the whole heath for its floor. 十一月里一个星期六的下午,黄昏降至,在夕阳余晖地装点之下,爱敦荒原那广袤无垠的野地披裹着的褐色披纱也随之渐趋浓烈。荒野为席,白茫茫的云朵为帐,天空成了账外的世界。 苍穹之下的帷幔灰灰蒙蒙,地面之上的植被暗影斑驳。天与地在地平面形成泾渭分明的交界线。在这样的强烈反差之下,荒原显露出好像已经入夜的景象。黑夜提前降临:夜幕已然大肆蔓延开来,天空却依然呈现着白昼的色调。这个时候,倘若割荆条的樵夫抬头望天,就想继续打柴,低头看地,则会决定收工回家。远处天地的衔接处不仅仅是物质间的分界,也是时间的分界。 The heaven being spread with this pallid screen, the earth with the dark vegetation, their meeting-line at the horizon was clearly marked. In such contrast the heath wore the appearance of an installment of night which had taken up its place before its astronomical hour was come: darkness had to a great extent arrived hereon while day stood distinct in the sky. Looking upwards, a furze-cutter would have inclined to continue work; looking down, he would have decided to finish his faggot and go home. The distant rims of the world and of the firmament seemed to be a division in time no less than a division in matter. 荒原表面的昏暗凄迷,让夜晚来临的前奏又延续了半个小时;正是因为这样,黎明也会推迟到来,正午更显昏暗;暴风雨几乎还了无踪迹,它已提前显出一副蹙额狰狞的面目,在这漆黑无月的午夜,那咫尺难辨的昏暗令人战栗。 The face of the heath by its mere complexion added half-an-hour to eve: it could in like manner retard the dawn, sadden noon, anticipate the frowning of storms scarcely generated, and intensify the opacity of a moonless midnight to a cause of shaking and dread. 事实上,爱敦荒原伟大奇特的壮观景象,就是从由明入暗这一过渡点开始。没有在这个时辰到过荒原的人,就不能说他理解荒原。朦胧难辨之际,最能真切感受荒原的风情。荒原的全部力量及其涵义,在此时此刻以及随后直至晨光熹微的时刻里得以显现。在这段时间里,也只有在这段时间里,荒原才会露出它本真的面貌。这块地方,的确是黑夜的近亲。夜幕降临,苍穹的浓墨淡彩与荒原的景致便明显地呈现出一种相互吸引,相互交融的趋势。荒野中的土墩和空谷似乎被触碰了心弦,它们怀揣同情,起身迎接这黑夜的昏暗。荒原呼出的每抹黑暗都被天空快速地吸入自己麾下。弥漫在空气中和地面上的朦胧夜色在扩散的途中相


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