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【2011 四川卷,13】Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children’s A. touch B. sight C. reach D. distance sight--“景色”是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,但尤指人工制成的景。 One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一个。 scenery--不可数名词,含不管是否映入眼帘的风景。指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。 The road passes through the most charming scenery. scene—场面,情景,现场 scene of the crime 犯罪现场。 view--从一个特定点观看到的景物, (尤指美丽的乡村的自然)风景/光、景色。多指从某一位置(如某一高处、远处、通过窗户等某个角度所看见的)景物、风景 The mountain hotel offered magnificent views. You can get a wonderful view at the top the hill. 14. sight,scenery, scene, view 【2007 安徽】The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common ____ in many parts of the city. A. look B. sign C. sight D. appearance 【答案】C 【考点定位】本题考查名词辨析。 【解析】sight 风景;look 表情,样子;sign 迹象, 现象;appearance 出现, 显露。 15. soul,spirit,heart,mind soul—灵魂,心灵 Spirit—精神 heart—心,心脏 mind—想法,主意 be of the same mind “对…看法相同,想法一致” 【2007 陕西】He and his wife are of the same____ ;they both want their son to go to college. A.soul B.spirit  C.heart D.mind 16. Power,strength, force, energy power—权力,权势 strength—力气,优势 force—力,武力 energy—精力 【2007 福建】—You are always full of_____.Can you tell me the secret?  —Taking plenty of exercise every day. A.Power B.Strength C.force D.energy D 17.【2007 山东】I can’t say which wine is best – it’s a(n) _____ of personal taste. A. affair B. event C. matter D. variety affair—私事,事情,(关系不长久的)风流韵事 Married male supervisors were carrying on affairs with female subordinates in the office. event—事件,重要事情,大事 major sporting events 重大体育赛事 matter—问题 a matter of time 时间问题 名词词义辨析 中学个性化 王安妮 名词在高考中的考查重点: 一般在单项选择以及完型填空和短文改错中出现,绝大多数是考查名词词义辨析,名词和表示数量词结合的考查,以及主谓一致的


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