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大外网址: 大学生外语协会第五届文化艺术节 大赛流程 大赛嘉宾 外语系系主任潘利锋教授 院团委副书记吴春江老师 外语系党总支书记张尚信教授 外语系党总支副书记欧华恩教授 外语系分团委书记王瑛老师 外语系08级辅导员罗晶老师 外语系06级辅导员呙艳妮老师 外语系07级辅导员郑锐老师 外语系09级辅导员胡赟老师 外教 Dan ?Paul ?Katie 学生社团联合会主席:覃杰 学生社团综合部长: 张超 外语系第三学生党支部书记:汤妍 外语系分团委副书记:黄珊 外语系学生会主席:陈洋 ?? ?? ? 比赛流程 1、自我介绍(10秒) 2、自备诗歌脱稿诵读(90---180秒) 3、随机抽题进行即兴诗歌朗诵(60秒) 4、评委点评(30秒) ? 评分标准 1、诗歌内容健康、积极向上(1分) 2、语言表达得体并配以得体的肢体语言 (2分) 3、语音语调好吐词清晰(2分) 4、诗歌诵读技巧(2分) 5、朗诵诗歌的形式新颖(2分) 6、选手着装、台风(1分) The furthest distance in the world ——英语系0903杨馨蕾 The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you dont know that I love you The furthest distance in the world Is not when I stand in front of you Yet you cant see my love But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together The furthest distance in the world Is not being apart while being in love I Am Here ——英语系0803班陈怡 Im here There is a boy gentle and kind Was never a face so pleased my mind I dont know if its love at first sight But I do know you dance through my mind You make me feel so special And change my life just by being part of it But you and me just like Two right people encounter at the wrong time Tonight I write the saddest lines.   To think that I do not have you   To feel that I have lost you The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you dont know that I love you How do I say I love you? How do I tell you I care How do I tell you Ive missed you And let you know Im here? The Flight of Youth ——英语系0803班郑金英 A Father’s Love ——英语系0901班田莉 A Father’s Love Fathers seldom say “I love you” Though the feelings are always there. But somehow those three little word Are the hardest ones


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