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课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 1.Failure to greet a person you recognize or to answer a greeting given to you is an unkindness to the other person, and very bad manners. 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 2.It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. 返回章重点 退出 例2:Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by conscious choice. 【译文】遗传和行为的继承一直是支配环境的惟一方式, 当这种继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时,人类历史便开始了。 【解析】这句话由一个主句“Human history began”,一个时间状语从句 “when the inheritance of genetics and behavior was first broken through by conscious choice” 和一个定语从句“which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment”组成,可译为“人类历史便开始了”,“当遗传和行为的继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时”,“这种继承一直是支配环境的惟一方式”。从动作发生的顺序上看,“支配环境的惟一方式”在先,然后有“继承被打破”的动作,最后才是“历史开始”的事件。英语主句在前,时间状语随后,定语从句含于状语从句之中。汉译时,调整语序,按动作发生先后顺序安排语言。 例3: He smelled the breeze and he listened for any foreign sound of secrecy or creeping, and his eyes searched the darkness, for the music of evil was sounding in his head and he was fierce and afraid. After he had probed the night with his sense he went to the place by the side post where the pearl was buried, and he dug it up and brought it to his sleeping mat, and under his sleeping mat he dug another little hole in the dirt floor and buried his pearl and covered it up again. 返回章重点 退出 【译文】他吸闻着微风吹来的气息,听听有什么奇异声响,两眼在黑暗中搜索,因为邪恶之歌又在耳边响起。他有点凶猛,也有点害怕。他用眼睛和耳朵在黑夜里仔细审查一番之后,又回到屋里,来在侧柱旁埋珍珠的地方,把珍珠挖出来,拿到席子上,又在席子下面的地上挖了一个小洞,把珍珠埋进去,再盖上土。 【解析】吸闻气息→听声响→歌又响起→用眼耳审查→回到屋里→来在侧柱旁→把珍珠挖出→拿到席子上→又挖个小洞→把珍珠埋进去,这一系列动作都按一定的时间顺序依次发生,汉语译文和英语原文在时间顺序上完全一致。 返回章重点 退出 英汉两种语言一般都遵循由上到下、由左到右、由里到外的顺序排列;但是汉语由背景到焦点、由参照体到目标体;英语由焦点到背景、由目标体到参照体,翻译时要注意这种认知差异在句法上的体现。英语大都把最重要的或者较紧急的信息放在最前面,而汉语则相反,最重要的却在最后,遵循“尾心”原则。 B. 调整空间顺序 例1:I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water. 【译文】和煦的微风吹拂着我的肌肤,凉爽的海水托浮着我的身体。我享受着那种纯净的飘飘欲仙的感觉。 【解析】从外到内:肌肤→身体→感觉;微风吹拂→海水


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